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These APIs are secured with the industry standard OAuth 2.0, using the “Client Credentials” grant type. The following diagram shows how the authorisation flow works:


 Sequence Diagram

icon1) Request Access

Request access to the APIs from the Shell API team.

icon2) Get your Client ID and Secret

The Shell API team will generate your credentials and email them to you.

icon3) Request your Access Token

Use your credentials to request an access token from the /token.oauth2 endpoint.

icon4) Receive your Access Token

Once your credentials have been authenticated, the Shell authorisation system generates an access token and returns it in the response.

icon5) Call your chosen API

Make your API call using your Access Token.

icon6) Receive a response from your chosen API

If your token is valid, the API returns the data you requested.


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The Shell Developer Portal is here to support partners to onboard to Shell APIs, the portal is here to take ideas to production


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