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Lubricants Order Management 2.0.4

Getting Started with Lubricants Order Management APIs

Shell Lubricants Order Management APIs Product comprises vanilla and standard APIs, which provides access to a full suite of the following features:

  • Search for products
  • Manage orders (Create, Modify, View, Confirm Delivered and Cancel orders)
  • Search and download documents related to the lubricants orders

This API product consists of the following end points, which can be used in order to develop different user journeys.

API End Point API Functionality
/orders/create This endpoint allows customer to create a standard sales order easily by considering inputs such as purchase order number, delivery address, delivery instructions and desired products.
/orders/orderList This endpoint allows list all your orders for a specific period of time. You can also filter the list, for example, by purchase order number.
/orders/orderDetails This endpoint receives extended information regarding a specific sales order, such as order status, cut-off time and detailed information about the ordered products.
/orders/amendOrder This endpoint allows perform multiple types of order amendments before the cut-off time.
/orders/cancelOrder This endpoint allows cancel an existing sales order before the cut-off time.
/orders/MOQ/{productNumber} This endpoint allows to find the minimum required quantity for ordering a product so that the order created can be accepted in the system.
/orders/distributor/orderDetails This endpoint fetches the details of an order placed by the distributors.
/orders/distributor/orderList This endpoint retrieves the list of orders placed by the specific distributor over a period of time.
/orders/documentList This endpoint lists all the related documents like invoices for the specific soldTo within a specific period of time.
/products/search This endpoint fetches the details of a product.
/documents/Search/{soldTo}/{orderNumber} This endpoint search for invoice and delivery documents based on the orderNumber.
/documents/Download This endpoint allows download the billing and delivery documents (once they are available) for a specific order.
/documents/invoice/{documentNumber}/{soldTo} This endpoint retrieves the extended information about the invoice details based on the documentNumber and soldTo.
/refdata/dealershipto This endpoint fetches details of the ShipTo's for the dealer codes based on the query parameters.
/orders/distributor/confirmDelivery This endpoint allows distributor to confirm the delivered orders.
/refdata/receivingLocations This endpoint retrieves the location based on the soldTo parameter.
/orders/distributor/create This endpoint allows distributor to create an order on behalf of a customer and distributor can amend the order.
/orders/distributor/amendOrdere This endpoint enables distributors to amend the orders placed by customer or distributor self.
/orders/distributor/create/afterEvent This endpoint enables After Event order placement through an external API.
/orders/distributor/shipmentEvent (cov) This endpoint enables distributors to notify Shell about the shipment delivery status for the orders delivered to the customers through distributors network.
/refdata/shipto/{soldTo} This endpoint retrieves the ship to details based on soldTo parameter.

All the APIs are authenticated with standard OAuth2.0

Note: The API request and response values used in the below sections are only an example for understanding. Please do not use the example values in an API call.

For more details contact Shell Technical Support (API) or Email -


Shell Lubricants Order Management APIs are secured by OAuth 2.0. It uses Client Credentials grant Type to allow the API consumer to access data. The end to end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram below :

sequenceDiagram Participant Partner Application Participant Authentication Server Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Market Hub 2.0 Partner Application ->> Authentication Server: Initiate Authentication Flow activate Authentication Server note right of Partner Application: Input OAuth credentials (Partner application's specific (Client ID and Client Secret)) deactivate Authentication Server Authentication Server -->>+ Partner Application: Receives Bearer OR Access Token Partner Application ->> APIMgnt: Call the Functional Endpoint activate APIMgnt note right of Partner Application: Input Access Token, API Service Account Credentials (Client ID, Client Secret, apiKey) deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Market Hub 2.0: Initiate Authentication Flow activate Shell Market Hub 2.0 note right of APIMgnt: Input OAuth credentials (SMH Client ID, SMH Client Secret) deactivate Shell Market Hub 2.0 Shell Market Hub 2.0 -->> APIMgnt: Receives Access Token APIMgnt ->> Shell Market Hub 2.0: {Specific endpoint name of the API} Request + Access Token Shell Market Hub 2.0 -->> Partner Application: Successful Response for the specific endpoint API

Please note that there are two sets of credentials provided by Shell to access all the Lubricants functional API endpoints:

  1. Initiate the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow with the Client Credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) provided by Shell to generate accessToken.

  2. Use the Partner specific Client ID and Client secret provided by Shell along with the generated access token to access all the Lubricants functional API endpoints in the header to get the response.

Key Request Parameters

Once you receive the Client ID and Client Secret, next step is to call {Shell Lubricants Environment}/as/token.oauth2 endpoint to authenticate. Following are the key parameters :

  • Method: POST
  • Authorization Type: OAuth 2.0
  • Auth URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/as/token.oauth2
  • Client_Id: **** (OAuth Client ID)
  • Client Secret: **** (OAuth Client Secret)
  • Grant Type: client_credentials

Sample cURL Request

curl --location --request POST '{Shell Lubricants Environment}/as/token.oauth2' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=***********' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=***********' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'

On receiving the request, Shell Authorization system verifies all the parameters in the request and, if everything checks out, it generates your access token and returns it in the response.

Sample Response

    "access_token": "***********",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 899,

The response contains the following parameters:

  • access_token: This is the token to be used to call the functional APIs
  • expires_in: The amount of seconds until the access token expires.
  • token_type: Bearer

Exception Handling

All error scenarios are returned with a response body and identifier.

      "error_descrription": "invalid client or client credentials",
      "error": "invalid_client"
HTTP Code Description Scenarios
400 Bad Request
  • If invalid scope passed to token URL
  • Invalid grant type passed to token URL
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • If invalid id/secret passed to token URL
  • If invalid or expired token passed to destination system’s API
  • Create an Order


    This API allows you to easily create a standard sales order by passing the inputs such as purchase order number, delivery address, delivery instructions and desired products. You receive the order number in response, which can be later utilized in the order details endpoint to get extended information about the created order.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/create
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      customerID This is required in order to identify the source application using the API. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of API. Optional string customername
      deliveryDate This is the delivery date of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string DE
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 4. Mandatory string DE01
      distChannel This is Shell's distribution channel or the way in which products or services reach the customer. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. For Global Lubricants, the allowed value is 08 and for Services, the allowed value is 07. The length allowed is 2.
      Note: If it is 08 and 07 combined, then only preview mode is accepted.
      Mandatory string 08
      division This is Shell's business division providing the products. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. For Lubes, the allowed values is 03 and for Services the allowed values is 07. The length should be 2. Mandatory string 03
      purchaseOrderType The purchase order type Optional string ZOIM
      shipTo This is the party who receives delivery of the goods. There is an unique shipTo number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      poNumber This is the number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document. Mandatory string 1212
      poDate This is the date that appears on customer's purchase order. The formatted is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      deliveryInstructions This is the delivery instructions provided by the customer. The maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string deliveryInstructions3
      driverInstructions This is the driver instructions for the delivery. The maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string driverInstructions3
      language Language used. For Example, en: US English, zh_CN: Chinese, th: Thai, ko: Korean, ro: Romanian, sl: Slovenian, hr: Croatian, ms: Malay, uk: Ukrainian, et: Estonian, ar: Arabic, cs: Czech, de: German, en: English, fr: French, el: Greek, hu: Hungarian, it: Italian, ja: Japanese, da: Danish, pl: Polish, zh: Chinese trad., nl: Dutch, no: Norwegian, pt: Portuguese, sk: Slovak, ru: Russian, es: Spanish, tr: Turkish, bg: Bulgarian, lv: Latvian, id: Indonesian Mandatory string en
      itemList This includes item order details. Mandatory object Refer to productNumber, quantity, and unitOfMeasure, in the below rows of this table.
      productNumber This is Shell product number with leading zeros. The length allowed is 18. Mandatory Number 000000000500012387
      quantity The material quantity in number. Mandatory string 5
      unitOfMeasure This is the unit of measure in which the product is sold. Mandatory string kg
      requestType There are two possible values: 'Preview', 'Submit'. Preview does not create the order, however gives the correct response. This displays the product availability. Submit creates the order and retrieves the response. This is required field. Mandatory string Submit
      additionalInfo This includes additional information of order. Optional object Refer to value in the below rows of this table.

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImtjZ0p3WmttMzBIN25uMXJUazNqS19tNHpUbyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg0OTk2MjExLCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg0OTk2MDkxLCJleHAiOjE2ODQ5OTcxMTF9.HQFsUa3j27SXG6IAqVaSj3kxGC_OzR0OVET2imPdcgRJsTXMV7B-r_L14HKRAzs_za9clbVmXbX3N5ap_NjJgo3gqtKS18s4xBRIzdXcvis4Uf_RxH65S35JTb1i__7muwTyUk3cMITOpPDPK4rGkeaBF1so77yZMe8HGnJQTEWscTh-uPw_PL1z2c9LHKwd9WhI9tZyRBMTPDT26ZHTsB7x_r49aWaOxFRLSZW6HpJCtNW1NFTYbgY6Yu8gTmFo8lLA4ATD2o1U6jutCtwLLW5rq5ugviJpx9LYtb995XVQA9fmviB4sIDCv-Pb0z1Y1JHN4OuV9rtB_jeqF3mjkg' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
    "additionalInfo": [
    "code": "vesselPartnerId",
    "value": "10268903"
    "code": "destination",
    "value": "1"
    "code": "billingBlock",
    "value": "04"
    "code": "vesselAgentDetails",
    "value": "Cypress Company"
    "code": "vesselOwnerName",
    "value": "Bruce Wayne"
    "countryCode": "US",
    "customerID": "ACCUPORT"v,
    "distChannel": "04",
    "division": "03",
    "itemList": [
    "productNumber": "000000000550027250",
    "quantity": "100",
    "unitOfMeasure": "EA"
    "requestType": "Submit",
    "salesOrg": "SG88",
    "shipTo": "0010398264",
    "soldTo": "0012240081"

    Sample Request

    "additionalInfo": [
    "code": "vesselPartnerId",
    "value": "10268903"
    "code": "destination",
    "value": "1"
    "code": "billingBlock",
    "value": "04"
    "code": "vesselAgentDetails",
    "value": "Cypress Company"
    "code": "vesselOwnerName",
    "value": "Bruce Wayne"
    "countryCode": "US",
    "customerID": "ACCUPORT",
    "distChannel": "04",
    "division": "03",
    "itemList": [
    "productNumber": "000000000550027250",
    "quantity": "100",
    "unitOfMeasure": "EA"
    "requestType": "Submit",
    "salesOrg": "SG88",
    "shipTo": "0010398264",
    "soldTo": "0012240081"

    Sample Response

    "type": "orderWsDTO",
    "entries": [
    "contractNumber": "",
    "currency": "USD",
    "formattedQuantity": "100.000",
    "grossAmount": "500,442.14",
    "gsapPosition": "000010",
    "netAmount": "500,442.14",
    "netValue": "500,442.14",
    "netWeight": "20,649.200",
    "plantCode": "S899",
    "plantName": "SG4514 LHYK LubWrhs",
    "product": {
    "baseProduct": "001D7789",
    "baseUom": "EA",
    "code": "000000000550027250",
    "displayCode": "550027250",
    "materialType": "pack",
    "packDesc": "1*209L",
    "packSizeDesc": "209 Litre",
    "salestext": "Helix HX7 10W-40 12*1L",
    "unit": "EA"
    "quantity": 100,
    "salesOrderPriceData": {
    "surchargeCurrency": "USD",
    "surchargeInfo": [
    "unitOfMeasure": "L15",
    "curky": "USD",
    "kawrt": "497,620.64",
    "kschl": "ZP02",
    "pricingUnit": "100",
    "unitPrice": "2,380.96"
    "taxAmount": "0.00",
    "unitPrice": "2,394.46",
    "volume": "20,900.000",
    "volumeUnit": "L",
    "weightUnit": "KG"
    "subTotal": {
    "currencyIso": "USD",
    "formattedValue": "500,442.14"
    "totalDiscounts": {
    "currencyIso": "USD",
    "formattedValue": "0.000"
    "totalPrice": {
    "currencyIso": "USD",
    "formattedValue": "500,442.14"
    "totalTax": {
    "currencyIso": "USD",
    "formattedValue": "0.00"
    "additionalData": {
    "entry": [
    "key": "vesselOwnerName",
    "value": "Bruce Wayne"
    "key": "vesselAgentDetails",
    "value": "Cypress Company"
    "key": "billingBlock",
    "value": "04"
    "key": "destination",
    "value": "1"
    "errorData": {
    "errors": [],
    "shouldProceed": true
    "instructions": {},
    "salesOrderData": {
    "accountNumber": "0012240081",
    "createDate": "06/15/2023",
    "createTime": "10:32:02",
    "deliveryDate": "06/15/2023",
    "deliveryMode": "41",
    "deliveryPriorityCode": "04",
    "distChannel": "04",
    "division": "03",
    "receivingLocation": "0010398264",
    "salesOrg": "SG88"
    "salesOrderPriceData": {
    "netPrice": "500,442.14",
    "surchargeCurrency": "USD",
    "surchargeInfo": [
    "unitOfMeasure": "L15",
    "curky": "USD",
    "kawrt": "497,620.64",
    "kschl": "ZP02",
    "pricingUnit": "100",
    "unitPrice": "2,380.96"
    "tax": "0.00",
    "total": "500,442.14"
    "successData": {
    "code": "WARN",
    "cutOffDate": "06/16/2023",
    "cutOffFlag": "",
    "cutOffTime": "17:00:00",
    "message": "delivery_block",
    "orderNumber": "220653380",
    "orderStatus": "blocked",
    "poDate": "06/15/2023",
    "poNumber": "",
    "shTimeZone": "UTC+8"
    "wandvDetails": {
    "grossWeight": "22,301.100",
    "netWeight": "20,649.200",
    "volume": "20,900.000",
    "volumeUnit": "L",
    "weightUnit": "KG"

    Order List


    This endpoint allows you to easily list all your sales orders for a specific period of time. You can also filter the list, for example by purchase order number.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/orderList
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body:

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      requestType EA: Search for orders based on contract number. EB: Search for orders based on sales order number. EC: Search for orders based on po number. ED: Search for orders based on material number. EE: Search for orders based on soldTo party. Default value. EF: Search for orders based on billing document number. EG: Search for orders based on delivery number. EH: Search for orders based on shipTo number. EI: Search for orders based on contact name. Optional string EA
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string DE
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 4. Mandatory string DE01
      timeZone This is the timeZone. Optional string UTC
      refdoc This is the document reference number based on request type data that is passed to API. In case of an empty value, all items are retrieved. In that case, request Type field must be empty as well. Optional string 0012018782
      creationDateFrom This is the earliest date of search criteria. The format is YYYYMMDD. Mandatory string 20210608
      creationDateTo This is the latest date of search criteria. The format is YYYYMMDD. Mandatory string 20220615

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg0OTk3NjkzLCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg0OTk3NTczLCJleHAiOjE2ODQ5OTg1OTN9.Bqoy2wwhGv3aVu1rnZX-hl_Pws8u4OKBW_Ilo0vfvHhL_o1WQjFFGWjWrtY4429MIxJm59AzZmL7qR0RjOAap0iY6LcyE9Wvm0d4uDbliWuVIRDC3SLLAYCVL56hWy_KdqmuCbQ5yBCNIpW2t9sP2YnXAn2EJeZXuz07FaT1PnoLW-mUHrVTXt4G4MtPUTbP_mTSRq6ZA6AFTeKX7DvLKV-9xn-MHn0yg31UkC_l71Z7gZ3Ys88IV1CjKHDUcvjk8ElM4IDzgzdW6k4MFEAwWASOyBrkF3uJR0exyX9hfXcKP2FEv7vxKOpkAVELQBjH2zAL97KSciX3GaAUQk3ijw' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
      "soldTo": "0012018782",
      "creationDateFrom": "20210930",
      "creationDateTo": "20211101",
      "requestType": "EE",
      "refdoc": "0012018782",
      "salesOrg": "IN02",
      "countryCode": "IN",
      "timeZone": "INDIA"

    Sample Request

      "soldTo": "0012018782",
      "creationDateFrom": "20210930",
      "creationDateTo": "20211101",
      "requestType": "EE",
      "refdoc": "0012018782",
      "salesOrg": "IN02",
      "countryCode": "IN",
      "timeZone": "INDIA"

    Sample Response

        "backOrdersCount": 0,
        "isPickupCustomer": false,
        "openOrdersCount": 0,
        "orderList": [
                "billingStatus": "billed",
                "businessCategory": "IN02_08_03",
                "contract": "",
                "currency": "INR",
                "cutOffDetail": {
                    "cutoffDate": "21.10.2021",
                    "cutoffFlag": "Y",
                    "cutoffTime": "13:00:00",
                    "shTimezone": "INDIA"
                "dateCreated": "21.10.2021",
                "deliveryAddress": "KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED  , TAL KALMESHWAR, 100/1, NIMJI VILLAGE,, NAGPUR, 441501",
                "deliveryType": "11",
                "distChannel": "08",
                "division": "03",
                "isPickupOrder": false,
                "isUserAllowedForAmend": false,
                "orderNumber": "262763071",
                "payer": "0012018782",
                "poNumber": "62O0082/Basavaraj",
                "salesOrg": "IN02",
                "shipTo": "0012462112",
                "soldTo": "0012018782",
                "status": "Z",
                "timeCreated": "11:24:09",
                "totalValue": "29,845,765.07",
                "totalVolume": "165,775.000",
                "totalWeight": "147,561.990",
                "type": "ZOR",
                "viewPrices": true,
                "volumeUom": "L",
                "weightUom": "KG"

    Orders Details


    This API allows you to receive the following extended information regarding a specific sales order:

    • order status
    • cut-off times
    • delivery addresses and instructions
    • delivery dates
    • detailed information about the ordered products including quantity, weight, volumes, pricing and much more.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/orderDetails
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body:

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      orderNumber This is the number that uniquely identifies an order. The length allowed is 9. Mandatory string 270464520
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string DE
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 4. Mandatory string DE01
      timeZone This is the timeZone. Optional string UTC

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg0OTk5MDc0LCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg0OTk4OTU0LCJleHAiOjE2ODQ5OTk5NzR9.Me6SWx7yo7JAziT9Q08wpQSfmnxz8Hs5b7KST-QqOFCSmq2iYUX5uVc3CA-fsbezO_B3-ViS1ys1fnlLB4Uy07va-gv8ZS6lhFcMGtGB2rfSCSLxxo9jJorEik_xgDo26oke5erzOHbSbZWSFxq9Awr9_wiVeEnDBjJTRo1Zp2h_-FY3zaBLD8oUr7GSdXqDFXJQjwQSx35T-jIyenrhT351XOrtxc_H2J9vEezrhdFsxG6a48xAQSNE0fQs8Yjm1-BgfFG7prUzu10qQEd189zSEdHPCzzfRSUpxzEP-anik_Rki9OYWt8ejqG8MMYManQx_2nDiDlUD0a5IgvLyw' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
    "countryCode": "US",
    "orderNumber": "0220653277",
    "salesOrg": "SG88",
    "soldTo": "0012240081",
    "timeZone": "UTC"

    Sample Request

    "countryCode": "US",
    "orderNumber": "0220653277",
    "salesOrg": "SG88",
    "soldTo": "0012240081",
    "timeZone": "UTC"

    Sample Response

    "additionalData": {
    "entry": [
    "key": "vesselOwnerName",
    "value": "Bruce Wayne"
    "key": "billingBlock",
    "value": "04"
    "key": "destination",
    "value": "1"
    "key": "vesselAgentDetails",
    "value": "Cypress Company"
    "cutOffDetail": {
    "cutoffDate": "06/14/2023",
    "cutoffFlag": "Y",
    "cutoffTime": "09:00:00",
    "shTimezone": "UTC+8"
    "header": {
    "accountData": {
    "businessCategory": "SG88_04_03",
    "distChannel": "04",
    "division": "03",
    "divisionDescription": "Lubes",
    "payer": "0012240081",
    "salesOrg": "SG88",
    "shipTo": "0010398264",
    "soldTo": "0012240081"
    "orderHeaderSet": {
    "accountDetails": "0012240081: KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED",
    "backorderedCount": "0",
    "billingStatus": "N",
    "completedCount": "0",
    "contractNumber": "",
    "creditStatus": "B",
    "currency": "USD",
    "deliveryMethod": "41",
    "deliveryStatus": "p",
    "deliveryTimeSlot": " - ",
    "grossWeight": "22,301.100",
    "grossWeightUnit": "KG",
    "inProgressCount": "1",
    "netVolume": "20,900.000",
    "netVolumeUnit": "L",
    "netWeight": "20,649.200",
    "netWeightUnit": "KG",
    "ordDate": "06/14/2023",
    "ordStatus": "N",
    "ordTime": "07:24:18",
    "outputStatus": "false",
    "plantName": "SG4514 LHYK LubWrhs",
    "poDate": "06/14/2023",
    "poNumber": "",
    "priceData": {
    "surchargeInfo": [
    "unitOfMeasure": "L15",
    "curky": "USD",
    "kawrt": "497,620.64",
    "kschl": "ZP02",
    "pricingUnit": "100",
    "unitPrice": "2,380.96"
    "salesOrd": "220653277",
    "shTimeZone": "UTC+8",
    "shipTo": "0010398264",
    "subTotal": "500,442.14",
    "taxAmount": "0.00",
    "totalAmount": "500,442.14",
    "totalDiscount": "0.000"
    "orderItems": [
    "orderItemDelSet": [
    "billingStatus": "A",
    "deliveryDate": "TBC",
    "deliveryStatus": "S",
    "inStatus": "100.000",
    "quantity": "100.000",
    "unit": "EA"
    "orderItemSet": {
    "itemAmount": "500,442.14",
    "itemCurrency": "USD",
    "itemNumber": "000010",
    "itemStatus": "S",
    "itemTax": "0.00",
    "itemUnitPrice": "2,394.46",
    "material": "550027250",
    "materialDesc": "Helix HX7 10W-40 12*1L",
    "materialType": "pack",
    "netValue": "500,442.14",
    "plantCode": "S899",
    "plantName": "SG4514 LHYK LubWrhs",
    "prdAvailable": "false",
    "priceData": {
    "surchargeInfo": [
    "unitOfMeasure": "L15",
    "curky": "USD",
    "kawrt": "497,620.64",
    "kschl": "ZP02",
    "pricingUnit": "100",
    "unitPrice": "2,380.96"
    "quantity": "100.000",
    "totalDiscount": "0.000",
    "unit": "EA",
    "volume": "20,900.000",
    "volumeUnit": "L",
    "weight": "20,649.200",
    "weightUnit": "KG"
    "splitFlag": false

    Amend an Order


    This API allows you to perform multiple types of order amendments before the cut-off time. You can perform the following possible amendments such as:

    • updating delivery instructions
    • updating quantity of ordered products
    • adding products from the order
    • removing products from the order

    Note that any changes made can be previewed before submitting them.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/amendOrder
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body:

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      customerID This is required in order to identify the source application using the API. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of API. Optional string customername
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string DE
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length allowed is 4. Mandatory string DE01
      distChannel This is Shell's distribution channel or the way in which products or services reach the customer. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length allowed is 2. Mandatory string 08
      division This is Shell's business division providing the products. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length allowed is 2. Mandatory string 03
      orderNumber This is the number that uniquely identifies an order. The length allowed is 9. Mandatory string 270464520
      deliveryDate This is the delivery date of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      shipTo This is the party who receives delivery of the goods. There is an unique 'ship To' number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      poNumber This is the number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document. Optional string 1212
      deliveryInstructions This is the delivery instructions provided by the customer. The maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string deliveryInstructions
      driverInstructions This is the driver instructions for the delivery. Maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string driverInstructions
      deliveryTimeSlot This is a delivery time agreed with the customer in the contract or quotation. The format is Hours and minutes - range (format: HH:MM-HH:MM ). To use this option a pre-agreement is required. Optional string 08:00-13:00
      timeZone This is the timeZone. Optional string UTC
      language Language used. For Example, en: US English, zh_CN: Chinese, th: Thai, ko: Korean, ro: Romanian, sl: Slovenian, hr: Croatian, ms: Malay, uk: Ukrainian, et: Estonian, ar: Arabic, cs: Czech, de: German, en: English, fr: French, el: Greek, hu: Hungarian, it: Italian, ja: Japanese, da: Danish, pl: Polish, zh: Chinese trad., nl: Dutch, no: Norwegian, pt: Portuguese, sk: Slovak, ru: Russian, es: Spanish, tr: Turkish, bg: Bulgarian, lv: Latvian, id: Indonesian Optional string en
      itemList This includes item order details. Mandatory object Refer to productNumber, quantity, and unitOfMeasure, in the below rows of this table.
      productNumber This is Shell product number with leading zeros. The length allowed is 18. Mandatory Number 000000000500012387
      quantity The material quantity in number. Mandatory string 5
      unitOfMeasure Unit of measure in which the product is sold. Product Search API retrieves the standard unit description of the material. This is required field. Mandatory string L
      deliveryDate This is the delivery date of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      position The number that uniquely identifies the item in the order. This can be retrieved by the Get Order Details API. First position is 000010, then increase to 000020 etc. This is required field. Mandatory string 000010
      actionType Possible values are I, U, and D. Action to be performed on the item are I = Insert - Defines inserting a new product number. For example, 000000000500009950, U = Update - Defines updating the product number. For example, 000000000500012387, D = Delete. In case of D, the deleteReasonCode is obligatory to be added. This is required field. Conditional Mandatory string 000010
      deleteReasonCode This field is mandatory, if the action type is passed as “D”. For “U” and “I” it is optional. Possible values are "Z3","Z6","ZF","ZK","Z7". The action type = D (Delete) is obligatory. Z3-Proposed delivery date is not acceptable / Z6-I ordered the wrong product(s) / ZF-I placed a duplicate order by mistake / ZK-The price(s) are not acceptable / Z7-Other Conditional Mandatory/Optional string Submit
      requestType There are two possible values: 'Preview', 'Submit'. Preview does not create the order, however gives the correct response. This displays the product availability. Submit creates the order and retrieves the response. This is required field. Mandatory string Submit

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg0OTk5NDI0LCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg0OTk5MzA0LCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMDAzMjR9.MkMA7-9RGgp1G8VcnIwJ2a9sSUfSj4XT8vEEmoc7TIlIwABCXkUWvTDrJVWHvSnjszU4OqZGhxGwlvGeTaM6gVfZMgMtzmD7G9yoyrb1zJOHRimkEPOIN3A9wMM-smJlwh7H6YGLFbeFHdRkcboHuFV-RgudtbDlw7w_H2eNGn-WU8p4Dqw5WqqTvZhUYv87pLwhrutkqn86StPIJokONuZcfzmiQC1LNxkA-OGtZiA-IThZqVweuXFPgpMldXei2250C5JCpEYgZ05uN6obGeVSo3YBSJfDTccuggngHO2PhrYARBYcyVEgH1FJ3rcY4D6fe1kUFIN1Nv_Znke_KQ' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
    "customerID": "ACCUPORT",
    "poNumber": "123456",
    "timeZone": "UTC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "salesOrg": "SG88",
    "shipTo": "0010398264",
    "soldTo": "0012240081",
    "division": "03",
    "distChannel": "04",
    "orderNumber": "220653380",
    "language": "en",
    "deliveryDate": "20230625",
    "deliveryInstructions": "deliveryInstructions154",
    "deliveryTimeSlot": "08:00-13:00",
    "driverInstructions": "driverInstructions188",
    "itemList": [{
    "productNumber": "000000000550027250",
    "quantity": "100",
    "unitOfMeasure": "EA"
    "actionType": "U",
    "position": "000010"
    "requestType": "Submit"

    Sample Request

    "customerID": "ACCUPORT",
    "poNumber": "123456",
    "timeZone": "UTC",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "salesOrg": "SG88",
    "shipTo": "0010398264",
    "soldTo": "0012240081",
    "division": "03",
    "distChannel": "04",
    "orderNumber": "220653380",
    "language": "en",
    "deliveryDate": "20230625",
    "deliveryInstructions": "deliveryInstructions154",
    "deliveryTimeSlot": "08:00-13:00",
    "driverInstructions": "driverInstructions188",
    "itemList": [{
    "productNumber": "000000000550027250",
    "quantity": "100",
    "unitOfMeasure": "EA"
    "actionType": "U",
    "position": "000010"
    "requestType": "Submit"

    Sample Response

    "type": "orderWsDTO",
    "entries": [{
    "contractNumber": "",
    "currency": "USD",
    "formattedQuantity": "100.000",
    "grossAmount": "500,442.14",
    "netAmount": "500,442.14",
    "netValue": "500,442.14",
    "netWeight": "20,649.200",
    "plantName": "SG4514 LHYK LubWrhs",
    "product": {
    "baseProduct": "001D7789",
    "baseUom": "EA",
    "code": "000000000550027250",
    "displayCode": "550027250",
    "materialType": "pack",
    "packDesc": "1*209L",
    "packSizeDesc": "209 Litre",
    "salestext": "Helix HX7 10W-40 12*1L",
    "unit": "EA"
    "quantity": 100,
    "salesOrderPriceData": {
    "surchargeCurrency": "USD",
    "surchargeInfo": [{
    "unitOfMeasure": "L15",
    "curky": "USD",
    "kawrt": "497,620.64",
    "kschl": "ZP02",
    "pricingUnit": "100",
    "unitPrice": "2,380.96"
    "taxAmount": "0.00",
    "unitPrice": "2,394.46",
    "volume": "20,900.000",
    "volumeUnit": "L",
    "weightUnit": "KG"
    "subTotal": {
    "currencyIso": "USD",
    "formattedValue": "500,442.14"
    "totalDiscounts": {
    "currencyIso": "USD",
    "formattedValue": "0.000"
    "totalPrice": {
    "currencyIso": "USD",
    "formattedValue": "500,442.14"
    "totalTax": {
    "currencyIso": "USD",
    "formattedValue": "0.00"
    "errorData": {
    "errors": [],
    "shouldProceed": true
    "instructions": {
    "deliveryInstructions": "deliveryInstructions154",
    "driverInstructions": "driverInstructions188"
    "additionalData": {
    "entry": [{
    "key": "vesselOwnerName",
    "value": "Bruce Wayne"
    "key": "vesselAgentDetails",
    "value": "Cypress Company"
    "key": "billingBlock",
    "value": "04"
    "key": "destination",
    "value": "1"
    "salesOrderData": {
    "accountNumber": "0012240081",
    "createDate": "06/15/2023",
    "createTime": "10:32:02",
    "deliveryDate": "06/25/2023",
    "deliveryMode": "41",
    "deliveryPriorityCode": "04",
    "distChannel": "04",
    "division": "03",
    "orderNumber": "220653380",
    "poDate": "06/15/2023",
    "poNumber": "123456",
    "receivingLocation": "0010398264",
    "salesOrg": "SG88"
    "salesOrderPriceData": {
    "netPrice": "500,442.14",
    "surchargeCurrency": "USD",
    "surchargeInfo": [{
    "unitOfMeasure": "L15",
    "curky": "USD",
    "kawrt": "497,620.64",
    "kschl": "ZP02",
    "pricingUnit": "100",
    "unitPrice": "2,380.96"
    "tax": "0.00",
    "total": "500,442.14"
    "successData": {
    "cutOffDate": "06/16/2023",
    "cutOffFlag": "",
    "cutOffTime": "17:00:00",
    "orderNumber": "220653380",
    "poDate": "06/15/2023",
    "poNumber": "123456",
    "shTimeZone": "UTC+8"
    "wandvDetails": {
    "grossWeight": "22,301.100",
    "netWeight": "20,649.200",
    "volume": "20,900.000",
    "volumeUnit": "L",
    "weightUnit": "KG"

    Cancel an Order


    This API allows you to cancel an existing sales order before the cut-off time.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/cancelOrder
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length allowed is 4. Mandatory string DE01
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string DE
      timeZone This is the timeZone. Optional string UTC
      orderNumber This is the number that uniquely identifies an order. The length allowed is 9. Mandatory string 270465799
      reasonCode The possible allowed values are "Z3","Z6","ZF","ZK","Z7". The action type = D (Delete) is Obligatory. Z3 - Proposed delivery date is not acceptable / Z6 - I ordered the wrong product(s) / ZF - I placed a duplicate order by mistake / ZK - The price(s) are not acceptable / Z7 = Other reasons. Mandatory string Z7

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 5jfjto3ZvpnMUmt8Iy1p4jTU1WNbZInk84pKoKTLRcs=' \
    --header 'client_id: d8285d9f-dd71-40e2-ba8c-bbd1bc57d766' \
    --header 'apiKey: fwlrBSiFiVatc0DJZFDBkyOAtGrAr9Ne' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg0OTk5NzMxLCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg0OTk5NjExLCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMDA2MzF9.aEREmlMdtjvB0UOAalFrTrpnWtpr_eOQ3dg2DjETjkRJlBYD3XIT4qWD9pmzGDEJ47s4TWw55RZq27AG4ueTr-dhRaeOcgzFORfzwe-HT9HWDWZVaFFIP379oh8UwOuqyWRTOyOrhGQXT67q7nEEdrG5BVVqmqDzOQWJugz2qD53DcUnaxpzJHpJkocuasFKZovIG_vX7hzqbWnqJxpopQ8qlDQO27bptE8vtAV81aQG36NNYp938KPu2iN_IM1YOKSnLgolBXUuKHwSLc9eHasTJO14hU_3TMwJjplP2LnRCMvsdXXNrvCvI_kl_m51vPbxG4Ydv0cr5fQqQLT79g' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
        "soldTo": "0011243780",
        "orderNumber": "100074351",
        "salesOrg": "US52",
        "reasonCode": "ZV",
        "countryCode": "US"

    Sample Request

        "soldTo": "0011243780",
        "orderNumber": "100074351",
        "salesOrg": "US52",
        "reasonCode": "ZV",
        "countryCode": "US"

    Sample Response

        "type": "orderWsDTO",
        "entries": [
                "contractNumber": "",
                "currency": "",
                "formattedQuantity": "",
                "grossAmount": "",
                "gsapPosition": "000010",
                "netAmount": "",
                "netWeight": "",
                "plantCode": "U379",
                "plantName": "US4624 Starpointe 3P LubWrhs",
                "product": {
                    "baseProduct": "001E0213",
                    "baseUom": "KAR",
                    "brand": "Gadus S4",
                    "code": "000000000550027634",
                    "displayCode": "550027634",
                    "images": [
                            "baseUrl": "",
                            "format": "68Wx68H",
                            "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                            "url": "/medias/550027634-US52-08-68Wx68H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNzU3NnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGg3Mi9oYzIvODg5MjQwNTM4MzE5OC81NTAwMjc2MzRfVVM1Ml8wOF82OFd4NjhIfDYyNTkzN2Y3YTVmOGVkYjE5MTgwZmEyODM4MWRkZWMwMmYxMDIwYWIzYjk1MjBkNDUwMDYxODdlNjlhMTI5ZWE"
                    "materialType": "pack",
                    "name": "Gadus S4 V600AC 1.5_10*0.4kg_A1WJ",
                    "packDesc": "10*0.4kg",
                    "packSizeDesc": "0.4 Kilogramme",
                    "salestext": "Gadus S4 V600AC 1.5 10*0.4kg",
                    "subGroupDesc": "Part-Synth based EP Greases",
                    "tdsDocs": "",
                    "unit": "CAR"
                "quantity": 0,
                "taxAmount": "",
                "unitPrice": " / 0 ",
                "volume": "",
                "volumeUnit": "",
                "weightUnit": ""
        "subTotal": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "0.00"
        "totalDiscounts": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "0.00"
        "totalPrice": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "0.00"
        "totalTax": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "0.00"
        "errorData": {
            "errors": [],
            "shouldProceed": true
        "instructions": {},
        "salesOrderData": {
            "accountNumber": "0011243780",
            "createDate": "05/25/2023",
            "createTime": "06:31:17",
            "deliveryDate": "05/30/2023",
            "deliveryMode": "11",
            "deliveryPriorityCode": "06",
            "distChannel": "08",
            "division": "03",
            "orderNumber": "0100074351",
            "poDate": "05/25/2023",
            "poNumber": "1234567890",
            "receivingLocation": "0011273082",
            "salesOrg": "US52"
        "salesOrderPriceData": {
            "netPrice": "0.00",
            "surchargeCurrency": "USD",
            "tax": "0.00",
            "total": "0.00"
        "successData": {
            "code": "INFO",
            "message": "new_order_submit",
            "orderNumber": "100074351",
            "orderStatus": "submitted",
            "poDate": "05/25/2023",
            "poNumber": "1234567890"
        "wandvDetails": {
            "grossWeight": "0.000",
            "netWeight": "0.000",
            "volume": "0.000",
            "volumeUnit": "",
            "weightUnit": ""

    Get Details of Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) Product


    This API fetches you the details of MOQ product. You need to pass the following as query parameters to this API:

    • shipTo
    • soldTo
    • businessCategory
    • fields
    • quantity & unit as Query parameter to this API.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: GET

    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/MOQ/{productNumber}?businessCategory={salesOrg}{distrChannel}{division}&fields={}&quantity={}&shipTo={}&soldTo={}&unit={}

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      productNumber This is Shell product number with leading zeros. The length allowed is 18. Mandatory Number 000000000550015855
    • Headers:

      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Query Parameters:

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      shipTo This is the party who receives delivery of the goods. There is an unique 'shipTo' number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0011935431
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0010763980
      businessCategory This is the combination of soldTo, distChannel and division fields combined with an underscore. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of API. Mandatory string SG88_04_03
      fields This is the list of fields requested and is a static value. Optional string default
      quantity This is the quantity ordered. Mandatory string 2
      unit This is the unit of measure in which the product is sold. Product Search API retrieves the standard unit description of the material. Mandatory string EA, L

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg1MDEyMDg5LCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1MDExOTY5LCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMTI5ODl9.f331awTy-GOyrUq2etu5VgzAbyUZiw5_56SVF_rywQ_PQJN4a4wdWCtU-B-N4yk5eQTd9TbgRfmDNUgUjs0BEz26Yv-vycfO-zk3oiPrLF7HL3WFhU8fvjG7NdRcNQu4jCTj5baWgjQVI5Ch-GM-UoihDcqb8KcpBkqS1r17GnYvaTLXGEGioHiY7A-ieAfrdB3rKuXzmguzV60vTx_kKvi73R5BJ_lSs_0GZYRoj9pqzlJF-Maz7mgAhm25AfU9-QGFLO-zH8b3RRec2Upwc_EQgI9raf3faW0h2EgzECK9s2i6f6oIw8waBnophrQdo5KNtmC9QPb9dAUCUisTnw' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7d59dcdf69-zdqmb'

    Sample Response

        "moq": "2000.000",
        "salesUOM": "L",
        "supplyPlantCheck": true

    Distributor Order Details


    This API fetches the details of an order placed by the distributors.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/distributor/orderDetails
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      orderNumber This is the number that uniquely identifies an order. The length allowed is 9. Mandatory string 270464520
      distributorSoldTo This is the distributor who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the distributor during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg1MDA0MjMzLCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1MDA0MTEzLCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMDUxMzN9.SbDEM9MEInSfxta0CNswprOYZnvyisd0VMXM-8osLjfPxOZXuBz8e56dvS56S4ol0V4PwSs73KureJMHnoLuhS-hjy9ytKKGIaVZdAtFRZNBBFHYvzC8OrDhGz5v3q1qRpEy8cUWVPX8-LMJnVt96U68Ep3Eu4PGD0ePqRIxfMA6MOrhGIfhkqPd-gzVMGsctSKWzoUcDVUIztgUDd0kkEZ1OASZc9NrQ1GnXHXsyMj7VQenJxSfdQ4oXgB1yURN4tdqOdNglxpI7OyLbJSzgVdAQSrjqBe6GDY4N5dtnTTkap8KfiHrpelWBUTKqH6hObJIUEWRr5YUKIrkuGjMYg' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
        "orderNumber": "0100069674",
        "distributorSoldTo": "0011243753"

    Sample Request

        "orderNumber": "0100069674",
        "distributorSoldTo": "0011243753"

    Sample Response

        "dfoaOrderDetail": {
            "deliveryDateProdCount": [
                    "key": "05/20/2023",
                    "value": 3
            "orderHeaderSet": {
                "amendCancelFlag": false,
                "cdiFlag": true,
                "confirmFlag": false,
                "deliveryDate": "05/20/2023",
                "deliveryMethod": "41",
                "deliveryPlantCode": "U830",
                "distShipFromAddress": {
                    "accountNumber": "0011264047",
                    "billingAddress": false,
                    "cellphone": "7575431446",
                    "companyName": "MARINE OIL SERVICE INC",
                    "contactAddress": false,
                    "country": {
                        "englishName": "United States",
                        "isocode": "US",
                        "name": "United States"
                    "defaultAddress": false,
                    "displayAccountNumber": "11264047",
                    "displayAddress": "11264047 MARINE OIL SERVICE INC 1421, S MAIN ST, NORFOLK, 23523-1269",
                    "editable": false,
                    "formattedAddress": "MARINE OIL SERVICE INC 1421, S MAIN ST, NORFOLK, 23523-1269",
                    "houseNum1": "1421",
                    "medalliaCompanyName": "MARINE OIL SERVICE INC",
                    "postalCode": "23523-1269",
                    "region": {
                        "countryIso": "US",
                        "isocode": "VA",
                        "isocodeShort": "US-VA",
                        "name": "Virginia"
                    "shippingAddress": false,
                    "sortCode1": "SEARCHTERM",
                    "street": "S MAIN ST",
                    "town": "NORFOLK",
                    "visibleInAddressBook": false
                "distSoldToAddress": {
                    "accountNumber": "0011243753",
                    "billingAddress": false,
                    "companyName": "MARINE OIL SERVICE, INC.  ",
                    "contactAddress": false,
                    "country": {
                        "englishName": "United States",
                        "isocode": "US",
                        "name": "United States"
                    "defaultAddress": false,
                    "displayAccountNumber": "11243753",
                    "displayAddress": "11243753 MARINE OIL SERVICE, INC.   201, E CITY HALL AVE, NORFOLK, 23510-1797",
                    "editable": false,
                    "formattedAddress": "MARINE OIL SERVICE, INC.   201, E CITY HALL AVE, NORFOLK, 23510-1797",
                    "houseNum1": "201",
                    "medalliaCompanyName": "MARINE OIL SERVICE, INC.  ",
                    "postalCode": "23510-1797",
                    "region": {
                        "countryIso": "US",
                        "isocode": "VA",
                        "isocodeShort": "US-VA",
                        "name": "Virginia"
                    "shippingAddress": false,
                    "sortCode1": "SEARCHTERM",
                    "street": "E CITY HALL AVE",
                    "town": "NORFOLK",
                    "visibleInAddressBook": false
                "distributorOrderNo": "",
                "lineOfBusiness": "US52_04_03",
                "netWeight": "15469.000",
                "netWeightUnit": "KG",
                "ordDate": "05/12/2023",
                "ordStatus": "awaitingApproval",
                "orderModifiedUser": "viewBilling user",
                "orderPlacerEmail": "",
                "orderPlacerName": "viewBilling user",
                "orderType": "ZOIM",
                "packType": "bulk",
                "poDate": "",
                "poNumber": "sample tax",
                "poType": "",
                "productType": "03",
                "salesOrd": "0100069674",
                "shipTo": "0012508385",
                "shipToCustomerAddress": {
                    "accountNumber": "0012508385",
                    "billingAddress": false,
                    "companyName": "CHESAPEAKE VA",
                    "contactAddress": false,
                    "country": {
                        "englishName": "United States",
                        "isocode": "US",
                        "name": "United States"
                    "defaultAddress": false,
                    "displayAccountNumber": "12508385",
                    "displayAddress": "12508385 CHESAPEAKE VA, 676 INDEPENDENCE PARKWAY, CHESAPEAKE, 23320-0000",
                    "editable": false,
                    "formattedAddress": "CHESAPEAKE VA, 676 INDEPENDENCE PARKWAY, CHESAPEAKE, 23320-0000",
                    "medalliaCompanyName": "CHESAPEAKE VA",
                    "postalCode": "23320-0000",
                    "region": {
                        "countryIso": "US",
                        "isocode": "VA",
                        "isocodeShort": "US-VA",
                        "name": "Virginia"
                    "shippingAddress": false,
                    "sortCode1": "HARBOUR",
                    "street": "676 INDEPENDENCE PARKWAY",
                    "town": "CHESAPEAKE",
                    "visibleInAddressBook": false
                "soldTo": "0011243753",
                "soldToCustomerAddress": {
                    "accountNumber": "0012616519",
                    "billingAddress": false,
                    "cellphone": "312515652",
                    "companyName": "PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL (BD) LTD",
                    "contactAddress": false,
                    "country": {
                        "englishName": "Bangladesh",
                        "isocode": "BD",
                        "name": "Bangladesh"
                    "defaultAddress": false,
                    "displayAccountNumber": "12616519",
                    "displayAddress": "12616519 PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL (BD) LTD 123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 7350",
                    "district": "7350",
                    "editable": false,
                    "formattedAddress": "PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL (BD) LTD 123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 7350",
                    "houseNum1": "123",
                    "medalliaCompanyName": "PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL (BD) LTD",
                    "poBox": "7350",
                    "postalCode": "7350",
                    "region": {
                        "countryIso": "BD",
                        "isocode": "X"
                    "shippingAddress": false,
                    "sortCode1": "SEARCHTERM",
                    "street": "dummy street",
                    "street1": "dummy street2",
                    "town": "CITY",
                    "visibleInAddressBook": false
                "tankDetailNoteRequired": true
            "orderItemSet": [
                    "deliveryDate": "05/20/2023",
                    "displayCode": "500000046",
                    "distributorDeliveryNumber": "",
                    "highTolerance": 0.0,
                    "images": [
                            "baseUrl": "",
                            "format": "68Wx68H",
                            "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                            "url": "/medias/default-smh-bulk-image-68Wx68H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMDE2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8aDEyL2g3MC84ODQ1NDkwNzE2NzAyL2RlZmF1bHRfc21oX2J1bGtfaW1hZ2VfNjhXeDY4SHwyMDNjM2VlOGM0NWU1MzM3ZDczZmIwZDIxZTI5ODU3ODk3Y2EzMDVjNWMyOTk3ODhhNTM2NWE1ODEwMjM0NmE1"
                    "itemStatus": "readyDelivery",
                    "lowTolerance": 50.0,
                    "material": "000000000500000046",
                    "materialDesc": "Shell Melina S 30 BULK",
                    "openQuantity": "4,000.000",
                    "plantCode": "U830",
                    "posNo": "000010",
                    "quantity": "4000",
                    "unit": "L",
                    "weight": "3552.000",
                    "weightUnit": "KG"
                    "deliveryDate": "05/20/2023",
                    "displayCode": "500011355",
                    "distributorDeliveryNumber": "",
                    "highTolerance": 0.0,
                    "images": [
                            "baseUrl": "",
                            "format": "68Wx68H",
                            "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                            "url": "/medias/default-smh-bulk-image-68Wx68H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMDE2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8aDEyL2g3MC84ODQ1NDkwNzE2NzAyL2RlZmF1bHRfc21oX2J1bGtfaW1hZ2VfNjhXeDY4SHwyMDNjM2VlOGM0NWU1MzM3ZDczZmIwZDIxZTI5ODU3ODk3Y2EzMDVjNWMyOTk3ODhhNTM2NWE1ODEwMjM0NmE1"
                    "itemStatus": "readyDelivery",
                    "lowTolerance": 50.0,
                    "material": "000000000500011355",
                    "materialDesc": "Shell Alexia 40 BULK",
                    "openQuantity": "11,000.000",
                    "plantCode": "U830",
                    "posNo": "000020",
                    "quantity": "11000",
                    "unit": "L",
                    "weight": "10064.000",
                    "weightUnit": "KG"
                    "deliveryDate": "05/20/2023",
                    "displayCode": "550047075",
                    "distributorDeliveryNumber": "",
                    "highTolerance": 0.0,
                    "images": [
                            "baseUrl": "",
                            "format": "68Wx68H",
                            "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                            "url": "/medias/default-smh-image-68Wx68H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w5NDh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xoOGUvaDFiLzg4NDQyOTQ5MTQwNzgvZGVmYXVsdF9zbWhfaW1hZ2VfNjhXeDY4SHw4ODUyMWYzY2Y1ZDcyZjVhMzlhMWQxMTdkNDA5NDUzOWZjYWE1M2VhZmU2MzM1NWQxMzJiZDJlNzAzMTFlNGFk"
                    "itemStatus": "readyDelivery",
                    "lowTolerance": 0.0,
                    "material": "000000000550047075",
                    "materialDesc": "Shell Gadinia S3 40 1*55ugl",
                    "openQuantity": "10.000",
                    "plantCode": "U830",
                    "posNo": "000030",
                    "quantity": "10",
                    "unit": "EA",
                    "weight": "1853.000",
                    "weightUnit": "KG"

    Distributor Order List


    This endpoint retrieves the list of orders placed by the specific distributor over a period of time.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/distributor/orderList
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body:

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      distributorSoldTo This is the distributor who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the distributor during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      shipFrom This is the party who sents delivery of the goods. There is an unique 'shipFrom' number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the distributor during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10 Mandatory string 0012125057
      fromDate This is the earliest date of search criteria. The format is YYYYMMDD. Mandatory string 20210608
      toDate This is the latest date of search criteria. The format is YYYYMMDD. Mandatory string 20220615

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg1MDA0NzM5LCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1MDA0NjE5LCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMDU2Mzl9.AhR7uZpr4gZSS7BdVd5zkuBXjxt0Q2fVi3uVvK_A0kyeN_Epz_N7fF139jpM785jKO70-3YwH18KwKFGpmg18Lt96pFENWeXtPZ5x8twtCIY-RrQ03lbh5HJux0DUipnXn1WZJWmEL71d4d26Nxu_ef07KxJ7SnCdE85RXYfwbh2b-KUKOirHnVqKzZ7JSMXTDCrNc8d0jZiFFRad5N3YTdl1Mv7A1MCo-AsYeH0W66PhybtCfruajDUWKSLBzGuybof7LlzdjQRwLGjLfzkSXrM7dzVQ05msfTfSMtEWeTC5UZOz5hI591aVOgnqR_UDCawLD0CFtl10exTvB4TZQ' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
    "distributorSoldTo": "0011243768",

    Sample Request

    "distributorSoldTo": "0011243768",

    Sample Response

        "dfoaOrders": [
                "amendCancelFlag": false,
                "confirmOrderFlag": false,
                "createdDate": "01/03/2023",
                "custPONumber": "testdfoa",
                "deliveryDate": "01/03/2023",
                "deliveryPlantCode": "U880",
                "deliveryStatus": "readyDelivery",
                "dfoaSalesOrderFlag": false,
                "distOrderNumber": "",
                "distShipFrom": {
                    "accountNumber": "0012125057",
                    "billingAddress": false,
                    "cellphone": "4427155025",
                    "companyName": "KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED",
                    "contactAddress": false,
                    "country": {
                        "englishName": "India",
                        "isocode": "IN",
                        "name": "India"
                    "defaultAddress": false,
                    "displayAccountNumber": "12125057",
                    "email": "",
                    "medalliaCompanyName": "KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED",
                    "postalCode": "631607",
                    "region": {
                        "countryIso": "IN",
                        "isocode": "22",
                        "isocodeShort": "22",
                        "name": "KANCHIPURAM"
                    "shippingAddress": false,
                    "street": "SRIPERUMBUDUR TALUK",
                    "street1": "PLOT NO. A-1, SIPCOT INDUSTRIAL PARK",
                    "town": "FORT WORTH",
                    "visibleInAddressBook": false
                "lineOfBusiness": "US52_08_03",
                "orderNumber": "0270473342",
                "orderStatus": "overdue",
                "poStatus": "ZORD",
                "readOrder": true,
                "shipToAddress": {
                    "accountNumber": "0011630904",
                    "billingAddress": false,
                    "companyName": "MFP ENTERPRISE, INC",
                    "contactAddress": false,
                    "country": {
                        "englishName": "United States",
                        "isocode": "US",
                        "name": "United States"
                    "defaultAddress": false,
                    "displayAccountNumber": "11630904",
                    "displayAddress": "11630904 MFP ENTERPRISE, INC 1820, BROWN BLVD, ARLINGTON, 76006-4602",
                    "formattedAddress": "MFP ENTERPRISE, INC 1820, BROWN BLVD, ARLINGTON, 76006-4602",
                    "houseNum1": "1820",
                    "medalliaCompanyName": "MFP ENTERPRISE, INC",
                    "postalCode": "76006-4602",
                    "region": {
                        "countryIso": "US",
                        "isocode": "TX",
                        "isocodeShort": "US-TX",
                        "name": "Texas"
                    "shippingAddress": false,
                    "street": "BROWN BLVD",
                    "town": "ARLINGTON",
                    "visibleInAddressBook": false
                "soldToCustomerAddress": {
                    "accountNumber": "0011243768",
                    "billingAddress": false,
                    "cellphone": "7136724500",
                    "companyName": "MANSFIELD SERVICE PARTNERS SOUTH , LLC",
                    "contactAddress": false,
                    "country": {
                        "englishName": "United States",
                        "isocode": "US",
                        "name": "United States"
                    "defaultAddress": false,
                    "displayAccountNumber": "11243768",
                    "displayAddress": "11243768 MANSFIELD SERVICE PARTNERS SOUTH , LLC 123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 77029-1137",
                    "district": "77029-1137",
                    "email": "",
                    "formattedAddress": "MANSFIELD SERVICE PARTNERS SOUTH , LLC 123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 77029-1137",
                    "houseNum1": "123",
                    "medalliaCompanyName": "MANSFIELD SERVICE PARTNERS SOUTH , LLC",
                    "postalCode": "77029-1137",
                    "region": {
                        "countryIso": "US",
                        "isocode": "TX",
                        "isocodeShort": "US-TX",
                        "name": "Texas"
                    "shippingAddress": false,
                    "street": "dummy street",
                    "street1": "dummy street2",
                    "town": "CITY",
                    "visibleInAddressBook": false

    Document List


    This endpoint lists all the related documents like invoices for the specific soldTo within a specific period of time.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/documentList
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0011243780
      billingFromDate This is the date on which bill is created. Mandatory string
      billingToDate This is the due date of the bill. Mandatory string
      query Query text. Optional string billingDate:2022/08/01-2023/04/06:soldToDoc:0011243780:deliveryTo:All:payerDoc:0011243780
      currentPage Start page where the search result shall start the listing of items. Retrieve the number of pages in the search result from the response (total Pages). Optional string 0
      pageSize The maximum number of search results visible on a single page. Optional string 20

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg1MDA1MDgwLCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1MDA0OTYwLCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMDU5ODB9.d7Sfpm3e70UhTt-g2THnHu3ryI3Vuab0fF2eYcfLxi2sW_MTBkcK9MYBMgYTzWoCAF0AHcEMJqPhdKNA9Lb8bIyhNjRD9hpU6dQr4HvI55g3pD-NVvIgtqgZc503VblvcbifVcx4QTL1R_vgWl1vMD2M6-JDiYEXp5Niv601nNYWnSPUp1MdFYr2_GbtKOoqwh8W6GmAarvFaSazibGkUxymNTl5NzW1NxzWcplV5J4BiURaIluPNQgn2Xn9KJ30Vt_7PKxMgQkLu-mx_rjIiC-B7hhONZyqCjGGw5TtPDfGNKQE6urEdDSbiKdEXnnmCbHwlMGXR9hpM-EanFSDdw' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
        "soldTo": "0011243780",
        "billingFromDate": "2022-08-01",
        "billingToDate": "2023-04-06",
        "query": "billingDate:2022/08/01-2023/04/06:soldToDoc:0011243780:deliveryTo:All:payerDoc:0011243780",
        "currentPage": 0,
        "pageSize": 20

    Sample Request

        "soldTo": "0011243780",
        "billingFromDate": "2022-08-01",
        "billingToDate": "2023-04-06",
        "query": "billingDate:2022/08/01-2023/04/06:soldToDoc:0011243780:deliveryTo:All:payerDoc:0011243780",
        "currentPage": 0,
        "pageSize": 20

    Sample Response

        "currentQuery": {
            "query": {
                "value": ":billingDocumentNumber-asc:soldToDoc:0011243780:payerDoc:0011243780"
            "url": "/search?q=%3AbillingDocumentNumber-asc%3AsoldToDoc%3A0011243780%3ApayerDoc%3A0011243780"
        "documents": [
                "billPayStatus": "OPEN",
                "billingCode": "CREDIT_MEMO",
                "billingCodeDesc": "Credit memo",
                "billingDate": "09.11.2022",
                "billingDocumentCreatedDate": "09.11.2022",
                "billingDocumentNumber": "1413948754",
                "billingType": "ZRAD",
                "currency": "USD",
                "deliveryDate": "09.11.2022",
                "deliveryDocumentCreatedDate": "09.11.2022",
                "deliveryDocumentNumber": "0967211307",
                "deliveryTo": "0011273082",
                "disputed": "",
                "distributionChannel": "08",
                "distributorDeliveryNumber": "",
                "documentId": "",
                "documentType": "INVOICE",
                "dueDate": "09.11.2022",
                "netAmount": "",
                "orderCreatedDate": "09.11.2022",
                "orderNumber": "0401273985",
                "payerDoc": "0011243780",
                "paymentStatus": -197,
                "paymentTerms": "Z000",
                "productType": "03",
                "purchaseOrderNumber": "",
                "requestType": "60",
                "salesOrg": "US52",
                "soldToDoc": "0011243780",
                "tax": "",
                "totalAmount": "1,999.70"
        "pagination": {
            "currentPage": 0,
            "pageSize": 20,
            "sort": "billingDocumentNumber-asc",
            "endCount": 6,
            "startCount": 1,
            "totalFavourites": 0,
            "totalFrequentlyOrdered": 0,
            "totalPages": 1,
            "totalResults": 6
        "sorts": [
                "code": "billingDocumentNumber-asc",
                "name": "Billing Document Number(ascending)",
                "selected": true
                "code": "billingDocumentNumber-desc",
                "name": "Billing Document Number(descending)",
                "selected": false

    Get Products


    You can easily search for products based on keywords or product number using Get Products API.

    This API provides the following information:

    • Material number or Product code
    • Packaging format
    • A link to download technical and safety documentation of the product

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: GET
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/products/search?shipTo={}&soldTo={}&businessCategory={salesOrg}{distrChannel}{division}&query={}&lang={}&countryCode={}&pageSize={}&currentPage={}
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Query Parameters:

      Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      shipTo This is the party who receives delivery of the goods. There is an unique 'shipTo' number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0011935431
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0010763980
      businessCategory This is the combination of soldTo, distChannel and division fields combined with an underscore. It is provided to the customer during implementation of the API. Mandatory string SG88_04_03
      query This is the query text. For Example, Product code, product name, etc. Optional string shell
      lang Language used. For Example, en: US English, zh_CN: Chinese, th: Thai, ko: Korean, ro: Romanian, sl: Slovenian, hr: Croatian, ms: Malay, uk: Ukrainian, et: Estonian, ar: Arabic, cs: Czech, de: German, en: English, fr: French, el: Greek, hu: Hungarian, it: Italian, ja: Japanese, da: Danish, pl: Polish, zh: Chinese trad., nl: Dutch, no: Norwegian, pt: Portuguese, sk: Slovak, ru: Russian, es: Spanish, tr: Turkish, bg: Bulgarian, lv: Latvian, id: Indonesian Optional string en
      countryCode This represents ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string DE
      pageSize This is the number of items retrieved on the current page. The default value is 20. It is recommended to use maximum value of 100. Optional number 1
      currentPage This is the start page where search result starts listing of items. Retrieves the number of pages in the search result from the response (total Pages). Optional number 0

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request GET ' S2 P 150&shipTo=0010398264&soldTo=0012044507&sort=relevance' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg1MDA1Mzg4LCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1MDA1MjY4LCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMDYyODh9.Zv7an5x3nf76zKxtHe5o3ydtgXG9oz5didcNNzgSL8K4_2M9CHpz7ElQhMdm-5T7cWYd0BgLvUxEBv5HUJ5IrTqgZY5bFYMQXIEAWab_xLZzl4w2HNYFgbY1jeclXgvMAxGzqISBu2TCeAmG8gBSFO_ZCbOiJJ24l144wN6c3V8K84SEwKHnIsfw1y14xfdzRUKa62uUn8rLAmpdmeTh8s2thR4gkn2r5OFcMgIx2nlLmaxviSZ6kmjWQDB43zHxlorxK0BjiEvZm27zBZbtfjnnnsDKm9RhuoFgO2iEUL0QRlei1lmjYhtNdlN_YxvU9sr_wsjjEpytm0zPKjf0eg' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld'

    Sample Response

        "type": "productCategorySearchPageWsDTO",
        "currentQuery": {
            "query": {
                "value": "CorENA S2 P 150:relevance"
            "url": "/search?q=CorENA+S2+P+150%3Arelevance"
        "freeTextSearch": "CorENA S2 P 150",
        "pagination": {
            "currentPage": 0,
            "pageSize": 20,
            "sort": "relevance",
            "endCount": 0,
            "startCount": 0,
            "totalFavourites": 0,
            "totalFrequentlyOrdered": 0,
            "totalPages": 1,
            "totalResults": 19
        "products": [
                "baseProduct": "001D7780",
                "baseUom": "EA",
                "brand": "Corena S2 P",
                "code": "000000000550026249",
                "displayCode": "550026249",
                "images": [
                        "baseUrl": "",
                        "format": "68Wx68H",
                        "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                        "url": "/medias/default-smh-image-68Wx68H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w5NDh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xoOGUvaDFiLzg4NDQyOTQ5MTQwNzgvZGVmYXVsdF9zbWhfaW1hZ2VfNjhXeDY4SHw4ODUyMWYzY2Y1ZDcyZjVhMzlhMWQxMTdkNDA5NDUzOWZjYWE1M2VhZmU2MzM1NWQxMzJiZDJlNzAzMTFlNGFk"
                "materialType": "pack",
                "name": "Corena S2 P 150_1*20L_A227",
                "packDesc": "1*20L",
                "packSizeDesc": "20 Litre",
                "salestext": "Shell <em class=\"search-results-highlight\">Corena S2 P 150</em> 1*20L",
                "subGroupDesc": "Compressor and Vacuum Pump",
                "tdsDocs": "",
                "unit": "EA",
                "url": "/Root-Category/Lubricants/Shell-Corena-S2-P-150/p/000000000550026249",
                "volumePricesFlag": false
                "baseProduct": "001F8461",
                "baseUom": "EA",
                "brand": "Omala S4 GXV",
                "code": "000000000550047278",
                "displayCode": "550047278",
                "images": [
                        "baseUrl": "",
                        "format": "68Wx68H",
                        "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                        "url": "/medias/default-smh-image-68Wx68H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w5NDh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xoOGUvaDFiLzg4NDQyOTQ5MTQwNzgvZGVmYXVsdF9zbWhfaW1hZ2VfNjhXeDY4SHw4ODUyMWYzY2Y1ZDcyZjVhMzlhMWQxMTdkNDA5NDUzOWZjYWE1M2VhZmU2MzM1NWQxMzJiZDJlNzAzMTFlNGFk"
                "materialType": "pack",
                "msdsDocs": "",
                "name": "Omala S4 GXV 150_1*209L_A227",
                "packDesc": "1*209L",
                "packSizeDesc": "209 Litre",
                "salestext": "Omala S4 GXV <em class=\"search-results-highlight\">150</em> 1*209L",
                "subGroupDesc": "Industrial Gear Oils",
                "tdsDocs": "",
                "unit": "EA",
                "url": "/Root-Category/Lubricants/Shell-Omala-S4-GXV-150/p/000000000550047278",
                "volumePricesFlag": false
        "sorts": [
                "code": "name-asc",
                "name": "Name (Ascending)",
                "selected": false
                "code": "name-desc",
                "name": "Name (Descending)",
                "selected": false

    Search a Document


    This API fetches the details of a document. You need to pass order number as URI parameter to get the document details.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: GET

    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/documents/Search/{soldTo}/{orderNumber}

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the number that uniquely identifies the soldTo for which the document belongs for an order. Mandatory string 0012657326
      orderNumber This is the number that uniquely identifies the order for which the document is fetched. The length allowed is 9. Mandatory string 0250073939
    • Headers:

      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg1MDEwNzA1LCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1MDEwNTg1LCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMTE2MDV9.EXaUf9dM0aCBP-lTsb0lhV5Gjr7JR7gsW0yEirRv1mxKn_7c1SNAgV3GsmAVSNdysB-BQ7hOfWdhZkZctsQPNJMZA394oNgD9rq5MNiwQ1f_DiXlPbWrcvAcO4ZQkBu8BERfSHw_Iy1qQy0wYHNCwtYYfMrvHr79b9Okctman8A4dTVNbswNHJ6GnBNeNAxMH-tBkRpUqqzex9MmvUJhbJ7qLNEIc7CqnQBtEmMUNJ0Q2w4XwsuDBpHZcJanW0cJNRbj5zmGOQLdr1tDrbXwjy5FtQMpR3esmjaqD7eRuaWck3Rkgj4KqVzxC84dQscLrAkhgaRw3bgJG6-Vacv30A' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7d59dcdf69-zdqmb'

    Sample Response

        "documents": [
                "billPayStatus": "OPEN",
                "billingCode": "CREDIT_MEMO",
                "billingCodeDesc": "Credit memo",
                "billingDate": "09.11.2022",
                "billingDocumentCreatedDate": "09.11.2022",
                "billingDocumentNumber": "1413948754",
                "billingType": "ZRAD",
                "currency": "USD",
                "deliveryDate": "09.11.2022",
                "deliveryDocumentCreatedDate": "09.11.2022",
                "deliveryDocumentNumber": "0967211307",
                "deliveryTo": "0011273082",
                "distributionChannel": "08",
                "documentId": "",
                "documentType": "INVOICE",
                "dueDate": "09.11.2022",
                "orderCreatedDate": "09.11.2022",
                "orderNumber": "0401273985",
                "payerDoc": "0011243780",
                "paymentTerms": "Z000",
                "productType": "03",
                "purchaseOrderNumber": "",
                "requestType": "60",
                "salesOrg": "US52",
                "soldToDoc": "0011243780",
                "totalAmount": "1,999.70"

    Download a Document


    This API allows you to download billing and delivery documents (once they are available) for a specified order.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/documents/Download
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body:

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      mode The possible values are "merge", "download". ‘merge’ option merges multiple files to one single PDF file and is added in zip file. ‘download’ option downloads one single file for each document. If there are multiple files for document ID, then each file is be added in zip file. Mandatory string download
      deliveryDoc This is the list of delivery documents that is to be downloaded Mandatory string List [ "0714647478_005056B27E581EDBA6A51B1BEBEED903" ]
      billingDoc This is the list of billing documents that is to be downloaded. Mandatory string List [ "9494560128_ZL2", "3118527663_ZF2" ]
      billingDoc This is the list of billing documents that is to be downloaded. Mandatory string List [ "9494560128_ZL2", "3118527663_ZF2" ]
      salesOrg Shell's organizational unit responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of the API. The length allowed is 4. This is required field. Mandatory string DE01
      soldTo The number that uniquely identifies the SoldTo for which the doc belong for an order. This is required field. Mandatory string 0012253174

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InBhSVluWUIyUzl3V1k2NFQ5eW5melBxWGs2dyIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg1MDAzNTkyLCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1MDAzNDcyLCJleHAiOjE2ODUwMDQ0OTJ9.K85SJpbwl5wLeF5Vc9sMjabcCLybIZ3D2oszYtF2ZUaDNOICnw60fA-cdtNsnW1qfKtRfAYaNJNdmgNFMjCSIG-Vtk9pL24qcBHvDsmLJHtbD1gYvs0YvZzDnS6lhK_QhlZHE7bimYERRm_lJNdSJ3k85hu_GufST96NShVuZyE1HgtwdQcTwZIMGHNgpjoMpg5EihIBr-G6aT-y_k5mW9JtuVlBTZ8YRE9wuD2JINSvH-OtUlv9BNOkGqyQU4E1c4Fhf6lsohRM11CrJwvMKofxp2uxJn4wwuHxoBWRuyWMZmYIjMVh98Yr3Ba4666J1bVk1F_8uA79hdIwNSJheA' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=7xhcbD7bIffFHwbQQOUPHv; ROUTE=.api-7658b49784-rn6ld' \
    --data-raw '{
        "mode": "download",
        "deliveryDoc": [
        "billingDoc": [
        "soldTo": "0012253174",
        "salesOrg": "DE01"

    Sample Request

        "mode": "download",
        "billingDoc": [],
        "deliveryDoc": [
        "soldTo": "0011833465",
        "salesOrg": "US52"

    Sample Response

    Note: The HTTP status code 200 iNote: The HTTP status code 200 indicates that the document is downloaded successfully with no message in the response body.

    Invoice Document


    This API retrieves the extended information about the invoice details for the specific document number and soldTo.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: GET
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/documents/invoice/{documentNumber}/{soldTo}
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body:

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0011243780
      documentNumber The specific document number to retrieve the invoice document. Mandatory string 1413950066

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_secret: 1wqPjAu7E+TlunglLD8sF3Lm5BG6vCxbVqEntR4g6jo=' \
    --header 'client_id: e6918f7a-f004-498b-acfb-95058c750c51' \
    --header 'apiKey: 6M4LdZEDloUYhAPY62qzVe5vyqk4iVka' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjU2U0dWOER3azdoRENQY2lDLXBQM0ZTcXZsVSIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImZ4eGcifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImU2OTE4ZjdhLWYwMDQtNDk4Yi1hY2ZiLTk1MDU4Yzc1MGM1MSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLWRldi5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0IiwibmJmIjoxNjg1MjE2MjAwLCJPcmdOYW1lIjoiU0hFTEwuQ09NIiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1MjE2MDgwLCJleHAiOjE2ODUyMTcxMDB9.VWdJCwe2IA8VXzHSL5X1u9mxvSQcBoUSLTgvTTqJdoU17OwO2Ve3fask0DUcnq_2SjoyTiZ9Ot3deX_UJNn5gySFFFu2sTDV6g6gAGjKGGBHQxmkzzuiw84jQTLHjerZsgcyB-CZsBhNeqRctZnyrULPAk-YfdSfsYc1B77VJSCsUgS_XXwXUkqvuw0UM3KL2O8ywN1EFS4P997-BbrYq4dZXg6FI44Zi51xasTtIoinv4DHOO-6aXkv_YjYNI4QWe2qW2Sk4FsERGxaaEXE6yTfEhsSK3QBXT0qkL_2ixbtKAiRqqfe15nIEBn3GQeKo55KhB6TQUH8zavcbdQNTg' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=b984bQWvV1njjmBazFrOz1; ROUTE=.api-74d459c75b-8rwp5'

    Sample Response

        "billingSummary": {
            "accountAddress": {
                "accountNumber": "0011243780",
                "billingAddress": false,
                "cellphone": "8007725823",
                "companyName": "PPC LUBRICANTS, INC.  ",
                "contactAddress": false,
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "United States",
                    "isocode": "US",
                    "name": "United States"
                "defaultAddress": false,
                "displayAccountNumber": "11243780",
                "displayAddress": "11243780 PPC LUBRICANTS, INC.   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 17038-8744",
                "district": "17038-8744",
                "formattedAddress": "PPC LUBRICANTS, INC.   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 17038-8744",
                "houseNum1": "123",
                "medalliaCompanyName": "PPC LUBRICANTS, INC.  ",
                "postalCode": "17038-8744",
                "region": {
                    "countryIso": "US",
                    "isocode": "PA",
                    "isocodeShort": "US-PA",
                    "name": "Pennsylvania"
                "shippingAddress": false,
                "street": "dummy street",
                "street1": "dummy street2",
                "town": "CITY",
                "visibleInAddressBook": false
            "billPayStatus": "OPEN",
            "billingCodeDesc": "Credit memo",
            "billingDate": "12/01/2022",
            "billingDocumentCreatedDate": "12/01/2022",
            "billingDocumentNumber": "1413950066",
            "billingType": "ZRAD",
            "currency": "USD",
            "deliveryAddress": {
                "accountNumber": "0011283890",
                "billingAddress": false,
                "cellphone": "8003954162",
                "companyName": "PPC  LUBRICANTS - WARMINSTER",
                "contactAddress": false,
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "United States",
                    "isocode": "US",
                    "name": "United States"
                "defaultAddress": false,
                "displayAccountNumber": "11283890",
                "displayAddress": "11283890 PPC  LUBRICANTS - WARMINSTER 1020, LOUIS DR, WARMINSTER, 18974-2822",
                "email": "",
                "formattedAddress": "PPC  LUBRICANTS - WARMINSTER 1020, LOUIS DR, WARMINSTER, 18974-2822",
                "houseNum1": "1020",
                "medalliaCompanyName": "PPC  LUBRICANTS - WARMINSTER",
                "postalCode": "18974-2822",
                "region": {
                    "countryIso": "US",
                    "isocode": "PA",
                    "isocodeShort": "US-PA",
                    "name": "Pennsylvania"
                "shippingAddress": false,
                "street": "LOUIS DR",
                "town": "WARMINSTER",
                "visibleInAddressBook": false
            "deliveryTo": "0011283890",
            "distributionChannel": "08",
            "distributorDeliveryNumber": "12345",
            "dueDate": "12/01/2022",
            "netAmount": "5,196.40",
            "orderNumber": "401275069",
            "payerAddress": {
                "accountNumber": "0011243780",
                "billingAddress": false,
                "cellphone": "8007725823",
                "companyName": "PPC LUBRICANTS, INC.  ",
                "contactAddress": false,
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "United States",
                    "isocode": "US",
                    "name": "United States"
                "defaultAddress": false,
                "displayAccountNumber": "11243780",
                "displayAddress": "11243780 PPC LUBRICANTS, INC.   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 17038-8744",
                "district": "17038-8744",
                "formattedAddress": "PPC LUBRICANTS, INC.   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 17038-8744",
                "houseNum1": "123",
                "medalliaCompanyName": "PPC LUBRICANTS, INC.  ",
                "postalCode": "17038-8744",
                "region": {
                    "countryIso": "US",
                    "isocode": "PA",
                    "isocodeShort": "US-PA",
                    "name": "Pennsylvania"
                "shippingAddress": false,
                "street": "dummy street",
                "street1": "dummy street2",
                "town": "CITY",
                "visibleInAddressBook": false
            "payerDoc": "0011243780",
            "paymentStatus": 0,
            "paymentTerms": "Net 0 days",
            "productType": "03",
            "purchaseOrderNumber": "",
            "salesOrg": "US52",
            "soldToDoc": "0011243780",
            "tax": "0.00",
            "totalAmount": "5,196.40"
        "invoiceLineDetailsInfo": [
                "baseQuantity": "20,000",
                "baseUnitofMeasure": "EA",
                "deliveryTo": "0011283890",
                "netPrice": "17.74 USD / 1 GAL",
                "netValue": "1,774.00",
                "orderNumber": "401275069",
                "poNumber": "",
                "productCode": "500005376",
                "productDescription": "Pennzoil Platinum 5W-30 Full Syn  (SP/GF-6A) BULK",
                "quantity": "100.000",
                "unitofMeasure": "GAL"
                "deliveryTo": "0011283890",
                "images": [
                        "format": "68Wx68H",
                        "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                        "url": "/medias/550046193-US52-08-68Wx68H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w3MDcxN3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGgwYS9oZWMvODg5MjI5NzUxMDk0Mi81NTAwNDYxOTNfVVM1Ml8wOF82OFd4NjhIfDAzYmJhMDQ4ODgzYjBjMjQ3MjJjZGNiZmFhOGY3YzlmYmE4MWYyNTA0OGVmNjkxOWJiYWQ2ZTFlM2M3N2Q5MTU"
                "netPrice": "85.56 USD / 1 CAR",
                "netValue": "3,422.40",
                "orderNumber": "401275069",
                "poNumber": "",
                "productCode": "550046193",
                "productDescription": "Quaker State Full Synthetic SAE 5W-30  Motor Oil 24*1qt",
                "quantity": "40.000",
                "unitofMeasure": "CAR"

    Dealer ShipTo


    This endpoint fetches ShipTos details for the dealer codes based on query parameter.

    The query parameters are:

    Parameter Name Description
    DEFAULT This parameter fetches the ShipTo default details such as accountNumber, dealerCode, displayAccountNumber, postalCode, and town for the dealer codes
    BASIC This parameter fetches the ShipTo basic details such as accountNumber and dealerCode for the dealer codes
    FULL This parameter fetches the ShipTo full details which includes the payload values from DEFAULT and BASIC as well as the addtional payload values such as companyName, postalCode and so on, for the dealer codes


    If the query parameter is not passed, it fetches the ShipTo default details for the dealer codes.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST

    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/refdata/dealershipto?field={}

    • Headers:

      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body:

      Parameter Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012990349
      dealerCodes The Unique Identification Number maintained by custmomer which is mapped to Shipto. This is the required field. Mandatory string 900052

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2dee33-7803-485a-a2b1-2c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_id: 4aed863f-f214-46e1-b0a3-60a717b1841e' \
    --header 'client_secret: CjospI0Bdlsl+sae/IHsezYcSuKV8g/f3JZ/koyMyE4=' \
    --header 'apiKey: AoxIgM6oOevFTUfVG9xOu7RbwaLnNVz9' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImJNYVNybEVHNUMtV2g2MEVzUFBVck5VamJwVSIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImJzcncifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IjRhZWQ4NjNmLWYyMTQtNDZlMS1iMGEzLTYwYTcxN2IxODQxZSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLXVhdC5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE2OTA4NjgzODQsIk9yZ05hbWUiOiJTSEVMTC5DT00iLCJpYXQiOjE2OTA4NjgyNjQsImV4cCI6MTY5MDg2OTI4NH0.Kdt_ZyX81HeuQdRh53W-aUz0aKUcu6DHM7EcjNJA91x2x0SBILPwxh_IHIVMVDrMVJlLlVOwbcJe9tZWRFGxLqXx6JFBqpZZShQs9YtsOflRS7UcOHLd86tlJ4hwEdSh6GgtU4moFIhIUZAcdiRHM0IApk0rNrGTLDQBI1hXX8fw3zzl7X0cnllvFes_3-H1MpU-Xb5UHsWJ0wmQRGGpYG-hZHw0OFAtAqxUFL7UcAwjLR4kwkFD2yynPIuRX2eDVjPfrdo3xq6EvtQIK6ijWtYM-Mm_FxuuNn49SDF3sxDF5UOBfxAAowlsW-uWSNUQHzGZuxmGoERSy74usok4aw' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=2l2SwNBhvYg7vFjfPWpAqu; ROUTE=.api-6d5db8976f-2kp2p' \
    --data-raw '{
        "soldto" :"0012990618",

    Sample Request

        "soldto" :"0012990618",

    Sample Response

        "dealerShiptos": [
                "accountNumber": "0012990618",
                "companyName": "B&M AUTOMÓVILES ESPAÑA S.A ALBERTO PATINO",
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "Spain",
                    "isocode": "ES",
                    "name": "Spain"
                "dealerCode": "MITSU",
                "displayAccountNumber": "12990618",
                "email": "",
                "formattedAddress": "B&M AUTOMÓVILES ESPAÑA S.A ALBERTO PATINO 32, AVDA DE BRUSELAS, ALCOBENDAS, 28108",
                "houseNum1": "32",
                "postalCode": "28108",
                "region": {
                    "countryIso": "ES",
                    "isocode": "28",
                    "isocodeShort": "ES-28",
                    "name": "Madrid"
                "street": "AVDA DE BRUSELAS",
                "town": "ALCOBENDAS"

    Confirm Delivery


    This endpoint allows distributor to confirm the delivered orders.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/distributor/confirmDelivery
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      distChannel This is Shell's distribution channel or the way in which products or services reach the customer. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length allowed is 2. Mandatory string 08
      shipFrom This is the party who sents delivery of the goods. There is an unique 'shipFrom' number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the distributor during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10 Mandatory string 0012125057
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 4. Mandatory string DE01
      division This is Shell's business division providing the products. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 2. Mandatory string 03
      orderNo The unique identifier value generated when customer orders the goods or services. Mandatory string 0100261774
      deliveryDate This is the delivery date of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 2023-08-21
      poNumber This is the number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document. Optional string 1212
      salesOrderConfDetailsSet This includes sales order config items. Mandatory object Refer to orderNumber, deliveryDate, distributorDeliveryNo, itemNumber, materialNo, quantity, and unitOfMeasure in the below rows of this table.
      orderNumber This is the number that uniquely identifies an order. The length allowed is 9. Optional string 0100261774
      deliveryDate This is the delivery date of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 2023-08-21
      distributorDeliveryNo The unique distributor delivery number. Mandatory string s4deliveryconf
      itemNumber The unique item number. Optional string 000010
      materialNo The material number. Mandatory string 000000000500003047
      quantity The material quantity in number. Mandatory string 5
      unitOfMeasure This is the unit of measure in which the product is sold. Mandatory string kg

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location 'https://{Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/distributor/confirmDelivery' \
    --header 'client_id: 4aed863f-f214-46e1-b0a3-60a717b1841e' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer lOSf4r_v7elTeyybQLi-eD13T78' \
    --data '{
        "soldTo" : "0011243780",

    Sample Response

        "dfoaOrderDetail": {
            "orderHeaderSet": {
                "amendCancelFlag": false,
                "cdiFlag": false,
                "confirmFlag": false,
                "orderType": "",
                "poNumber": "",
                "poType": "DUX",
                "productType": "US52_08_03",
                "salesOrd": "0100261774",
                "shipTo": "0011526183",
                "soldTo": "0011243780",
                "tankDetailNoteRequired": false
            "orderItemSet": [
                    "deliveryDate": "20.08.2023",
                    "distributorDeliveryNumber": "s4deliveryconf",
                    "images": [],
                    "material": "000000000500003047",
                    "plantCode": "U843",
                    "posNo": "000010",
                    "quantity": "5",
                    "reasonCode": "",
                    "unit": "KG"

    Receiving Locations


    This endpoint retrieves the location based on the soldTo parameter.
    soldTo - The customer who orders the goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API.

    For example: /refdata/receivingLocations/0011243116?fields=FULL

    Note: For Fields, possible values are BASIC, DEFAULT, and FULL. If you do not pass any value, then DEFAULT is considered.

    Field Description
    DEFAULT This field fetches the ShipTo default details. postalCode, and town for the dealer codes
    BASIC This field fetches the ShipTo basic details
    FULL This field fetches the ShipTo full details. Refer to the Receiving Locations sample response for more details

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/refdata/receivingLocations
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location 'https://{Shell Lubricants Environment}/refdata/receivingLocations/0011243116?fields=FULL' \
    --header 'client_id: 4aed863f-f214-46e1-b0a3-60a717b1841e' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer 5mU9UM9fyFdX9NLl8VcuSjG9Yb8'

    Sample Response

        "receivingLocations": [
                "accountNumber": "0011243116",
                "billingAddress": false,
                "cellphone": "7409288215",
                "companyName": "ENGLEFIELD INC  ",
                "contactAddress": false,
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "United States",
                    "isocode": "US",
                    "name": "United States"
                "defaultAddress": false,
                "displayAccountNumber": "11243116",
                "displayAddress": "11243116 ENGLEFIELD INC   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 43056-6099",
                "district": "43056-6099",
                "email": "",
                "formattedAddress": "ENGLEFIELD INC   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 43056-6099",
                "houseNum1": "123",
                "medalliaCompanyName": "ENGLEFIELD INC  ",
                "postalCode": "43056-6099",
                "region": {
                    "countryIso": "US",
                    "isocode": "OH",
                    "isocodeShort": "US-OH",
                    "name": "Ohio"
                "shipToDeliveryMethod": "",
                "shippingAddress": true,
                "street": "dummy street",
                "street1": "dummy street2",
                "town": "CITY",
                "visibleInAddressBook": false

    Create an Order (Distributor)


    This API allows Distributor to create an order on behalf of a customer and distributor can amend the order if there is a change such as the quantity, add new products, delete line items, change delivery date, and delivery instruction.

    Note: The Distributor cannot amend the order after the cut-off time.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/distributor/create
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0011243116
      division This is Shell's business division providing the products. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 2. Mandatory string 03
      distChannel This is Shell's distribution channel or the way in which products or services reach the customer. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length allowed is 2. Mandatory string 08
      deliveryInstructions This is the delivery instructions provided by the distributor. The maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string S1, S1 Placing Order via API
      itemList This includes item order details. Mandatory object Refer to productNumber, quantity, and unitOfMeasure, in the below rows of this table.
      productNumber This is Shell product number with leading zeros. The length allowed is 18. Mandatory Number 000000000500012387
      quantity The material quantity in number. Mandatory string 5
      unitOfMeasure This is the unit of measure in which the product is sold. Mandatory string kg
      language Language used. For Example, en: US English, zh_CN: Chinese, th: Thai, ko: Korean, ro: Romanian, sl: Slovenian, hr: Croatian, ms: Malay, uk: Ukrainian, et: Estonian, ar: Arabic, cs: Czech, de: German, en: English, fr: French, el: Greek, hu: Hungarian, it: Italian, ja: Japanese, da: Danish, pl: Polish, zh: Chinese trad., nl: Dutch, no: Norwegian, pt: Portuguese, sk: Slovak, ru: Russian, es: Spanish, tr: Turkish, bg: Bulgarian, lv: Latvian, id: Indonesian Mandatory string en
      poNumber This is the number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document. Optional string 847587POnumber
      requestType There are two possible values: 'Preview', 'Submit'. Preview does not create the order, however gives the correct response. This displays the product availability. Submit creates the order and retrieves the response. This is required field. Mandatory string DFOA_Submit
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 4. Mandatory string US52
      shipTo This is the party who receives delivery of the goods. There is an unique shipTo number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0011247693
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string US

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location 'https://{Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/distributor/create' \
    --header 'client_id: 4aed863f-f214-46e1-b0a3-60a717b1841e' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer MK7eklokL5LmuObN57Wlpxf5kRY' \
    --data '{
        "soldTo": "0011243768",
        "division": "03",
        "distChannel": "08",
        "deliveryInstructions": "S1, S1 Placing Order via API",
        "itemList": [
                "productNumber": "000000000500012387",
                "quantity": "10",
                "unitOfMeasure": "GAL"
        "language": "en",
        "poNumber": "847587POnumber",
        "requestType": "DFOA_Submit",
        "salesOrg": "US52",
        "shipTo": "0011235902",
        "countryCode": "US"

    Sample Response

        "type": "orderWsDTO",
        "entries": [
                "availableOn": "04.10.2023",
                "conditionUnit": "",
                "contractNumber": "",
                "currency": "USD",
                "formattedQuantity": "10.000",
                "grossAmount": "130.63",
                "gsapPosition": "000010",
                "netAmount": "121.80",
                "netValue": "",
                "netWeight": "72.255",
                "plantCode": "U00A",
                "plantName": "US4629 Fowlerville LubProd",
                "pricingUnit": "0",
                "product": {
                    "baseProduct": "001I5568",
                    "baseUom": "KG",
                    "brand": "Shell Corena",
                    "code": "000000000500012387",
                    "displayCode": "500012387",
                    "images": [
                            "baseUrl": "",
                            "format": "68Wx68H",
                            "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                            "url": "/medias/500012387-US52-08-68Wx68H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNjQ1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8aDY2L2hhMS84OTE3NzQ2MDU3MjQ2LzUwMDAxMjM4N19VUzUyXzA4XzY4V3g2OEh8NWUyMGQyNGI4MThjMGU3ODQ1MjhmOGU2NzU4ZWZlZjEzMmM5M2Y1MjM2OGU2ZDgzOTE0MDcyNGNlOTBlY2FmNw"
                            "baseUrl": "",
                            "format": "162.35Wx159.96H",
                            "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                            "url": "/medias/500012387-US52-08-162.35Wx159.96H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzODcwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8aGZkL2g1Mi84OTE3NzQ1ODYwNjM4LzUwMDAxMjM4N19VUzUyXzA4XzE2Mi4zNVd4MTU5Ljk2SHwwMjQ1NDljZDg2ZjY2OTBmY2ZhMTk1YzRmMTRlMmY5OWMyMTQ1NGM4M2YxYWJiM2U1MjlhMWIwYWEyY2UwNmFm"
                            "baseUrl": "",
                            "format": "34Wx34H",
                            "imageType": "PRIMARY",
                            "url": "/medias/500012387-US52-08-34Wx34H?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w4MzZ8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xoMmIvaDRmLzg5MTc3NDU3Mjk1NjYvNTAwMDEyMzg3X1VTNTJfMDhfMzRXeDM0SHwzMjNlMmZmZmIyOGU2NDcyNmVlMTUwYjU1YTg3NjljZDY1ZmYxYTI0YmRmZmQyOTE3NmYwYjMyZjNhZTJkODhi"
                            "baseUrl": "",
                            "format": "40.8Wx40.8H",
                            "imageType": "PRIMARY",
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                    "materialType": "bulk",
                    "name": "Corena PCF_BULK_A03Q",
                    "packDesc": "BULK",
                    "salestext": "Shell Corena PCF BULK",
                    "subGroupDesc": "Compressor and Vacuum Pump",
                    "tdsDocs": "",
                    "unit": "GAL"
                "quantity": 10,
                "taxAmount": "8.83",
                "unitPrice": "12.18",
                "volume": "10.000",
                "volumeUnit": "GAL",
                "weightUnit": "LB"
        "subTotal": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "121.80"
        "totalDiscounts": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "0.000"
        "totalPrice": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "130.63"
        "totalTax": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "8.83"
        "additionalData": {},
        "errorData": {
            "errors": [],
            "shouldProceed": true
        "instructions": {
            "deliveryInstructions": "S1, S1 Placing Order via API"
        "salesOrderData": {
            "accountNumber": "0011243116",
            "createDate": "10/03/2023",
            "createTime": "08:28:23",
            "customerSoldTo": "0011247693",
            "deliveryDate": "10/03/2023",
            "deliveryMode": "11",
            "deliveryPriorityCode": "09",
            "distChannel": "08",
            "distributorDeliveryNo": "",
            "distributorOrderNo": "",
            "division": "03",
            "orderType": "ZORD",
            "receivingLocation": "0011247693",
            "salesOrg": "US52",
            "shipFrom": "0011263184:ENGLEFIELD OIL CO. 1639, STANLEY AVE, DAYTON, 45404-1114"
        "salesOrderPriceData": {
            "netPrice": "121.80",
            "surchargeCurrency": "USD",
            "tax": "8.83",
            "total": "130.63"
        "successData": {
            "code": "INFO",
            "cutOffDate": "",
            "cutOffFlag": "",
            "cutOffTime": "",
            "message": "dfoa_order_submit",
            "orderNumber": "283295509",
            "orderStatus": "awaitingApproval",
            "poDate": "10/03/2023",
            "poNumber": "847587POnumber",
            "shTimeZone": ""
        "wandvDetails": {
            "grossWeight": "72.255",
            "netWeight": "72.255",
            "volume": "10.000",
            "volumeUnit": "GAL",
            "weightUnit": "LB"

    After Event


    This API enables the After Event order placement through an external API.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/commerce/orders/distributor/create/afterEvent
    • Headers:
      • client_id: API Client ID
      • client_secret: API Client Secret
      • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
      • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
      • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      customerID This is required in order to identify the source application using the API. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of API. Optional string customername
      deliveryDate This is the delivery date of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string DE
      distributorDeliveryNo This represents a unique distributor delivery number. The maximum length allowed is 16. Mandatory string 111
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 4. Mandatory string DE01
      distChannel This is Shell's distribution channel or the way in which products or services reach the customer. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length allowed is 2. Mandatory string 08
      division This is Shell's business division providing the products. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 2. Mandatory string 03
      purchaseOrderType The purchase order type Optional string ZOIM
      shipTo This is the party who receives delivery of the goods. There is an unique shipTo number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      poNumber This is the number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document. Mandatory string 1212
      poDate This is the date that appears on customer's purchase order. The formatted is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      deliveryInstructions This is the delivery instructions provided by the customer. The maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string deliveryInstructions3
      driverInstructions This is the driver instructions for the delivery. The maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string driverInstructions3
      language Language used. For Example, en: US English, zh_CN: Chinese, th: Thai, ko: Korean, ro: Romanian, sl: Slovenian, hr: Croatian, ms: Malay, uk: Ukrainian, et: Estonian, ar: Arabic, cs: Czech, de: German, en: English, fr: French, el: Greek, hu: Hungarian, it: Italian, ja: Japanese, da: Danish, pl: Polish, zh: Chinese trad., nl: Dutch, no: Norwegian, pt: Portuguese, sk: Slovak, ru: Russian, es: Spanish, tr: Turkish, bg: Bulgarian, lv: Latvian, id: Indonesian Optional string en
      itemList This includes item order details. Mandatory object Refer to productNumber, quantity, and unitOfMeasure, in the below rows of this table.
      productNumber This is Shell product number with leading zeros. The length allowed is 18. Mandatory Number 000000000500012387
      quantity The material quantity in number. Mandatory string 5
      unitOfMeasure This is the unit of measure in which the product is sold. Mandatory string kg
      requestType There are two possible values: 'Preview', 'Submit'. Preview does not create the order, however gives the correct response. This displays the product availability. Submit creates the order and retrieves the response. This is required field. Mandatory string Submit
      additionalInfo This includes additional information of order. Optional object Refer to value in the below rows of this table.
      value This is Shell product number with leading zeros. The length allowed is 18. Optional Number 000000000500012387

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 1k2den33-2803-485e-t3h1-4c7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_id: 1ken263e-t314-46h1-b0a3-60a717b1841e' \
    --header 'client_secret: KeospI0Bdlsl+nne/IHthzYcSuKV8g/f3JZ/koyMyE4=' \
    --header 'apiKey: KexIgM6oOnnFTUfVG9xOu7RethLnNVz9' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer abJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InNwczFXRVJRTV9PQkVBcTJFb1M0VUFFSnJKQV9SUzI1NiIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImJzcncifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImF1dGhvcml6YXRpb25fZGV0YWlscyI6W10sImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IjRhZWQ4NjNmLWYyMTQtNDZlMS1iMGEzLTYwYTcxN2IxODQxZSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLXVhdC5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE3MDQ3NzkxOTUsIk9yZ05hbWUiOiJTSEVMTC5DT00iLCJpYXQiOjE3MDQ3NzkwNzUsImV4cCI6MTcwNDc4MDA5NX0.Q-4JtBvsr76WZoKj_YSEkT1QSdEGQ7n2kKAvVsihRmzlLV8G6229f5in6644GZeafoldnvnswxMA_USkGQGJKjJGvl0tHknEcdBVYhfhKiuN1u416vHC2Hrvjge6VD3fVgmUBz_UMdN8ggB76T5WwaJlNC9o3-ORBwvammayl7jYxJ2EaLtaDhy1w2CgkJWm8avu3iWisbg-mFL5pJeTxPdDa1rXv6k_gHFdAvJSaLPOv_qNhAfZokM_zkUVwoMchmL8eKEes0FcLnQTuDPh6zcYpkyoM4IbB041X7OVLoEf48JIBZZccPKX8_ClqeIKQepdsGoZM6ll126wZjA6Ig' \
    --data '{
        "soldTo": "0011243313",
        "customerID": "MANSFIELD",
        "division": "03",
        "distChannel": "08",
        "deliveryInstructions": "Placing After Event Order via API",
        "driverInstructions":    "Placing After Event Order via API",
         "itemList": [
                "productNumber": "000000000500005000",
                "quantity": "10",
                "unitOfMeasure": "GAL"
                "productNumber": "000000000500005282",
                "quantity": "28",
                "unitOfMeasure": "GAL"
        "language": "en",
        "poNumber": "847587POnumber",
        "requestType": "DFOA_AfterEvent",
        "salesOrg": "US52",
        "shipTo": "0011247900",
        "countryCode": "US",

    Sample cURL Response

        "type": "orderWsDTO",
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                "netWeight": "73.658",
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                "plantName": "US5571 Warrenton Quarles DFOA",
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                    "tdsDocs": "",
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                    "volumePricesFlag": false
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        "net": false,
        "subTotal": {
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        "totalPrice": {
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            "shipTo": "0011247900",
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        "errorData": {
            "errors": [],
            "shouldProceed": true
        "guestCustomer": false,
        "returnable": false,
        "salesOrderData": {
            "accountNumber": "0011243313",
            "backorder": "noBackOrder",
            "businessCategory": "US52_08_03",
            "cdiFlag": true,
            "contract": "",
            "createDate": "02/02/2024",
            "createTime": "10:46:39",
            "customerSoldTo": "0011247900",
            "deliveryDate": "02/02/2024",
            "deliveryMode": "11",
            "deliveryPriorityCode": "09",
            "deliveryWindowEnd": "17:00:00",
            "deliveryWindowStart": "08:00:00",
            "distChannel": "08",
            "distributorDeliveryNo": "35233KAJIT11242",
            "distributorOrderNo": "",
            "division": "03",
            "orderType": "ZAE",
            "receivingLocation": "0011247900",
            "salesOrg": "US52",
            "shipFrom": "0011264175:QUARLES PETROLEUM INC 9683, JAMES MADISON HWY, WARRENTON, 20187-7813"
        "salesOrderPriceData": {
            "netPrice": "525.10",
            "surchargeCurrency": "USD",
            "tax": "0.00",
            "total": "525.10"
        "successData": {
            "code": "INFO",
            "cutOffDate": "",
            "cutOffFlag": "",
            "cutOffTime": "",
            "delTimeFrom": "08:00:00",
            "delTimeTo": "17:00:00",
            "message": "dfoa_order_submit",
            "orderNumber": "286625566",
            "orderStatus": "awaitingApproval",
            "poDate": "02/02/2024",
            "poNumber": "847587POnumber",
            "shTimeZone": ""
        "viewPrices": true,
        "wandvDetails": {
            "grossWeight": "337.694",
            "netWeight": "337.694",
            "volume": "38.000",
            "volumeUnit": "GAL",
            "weightUnit": "LB"

    Amend Order (Distributor)


    This API enables distributors to amend the orders placed by customer or distributor self. Distributor can amend the order at item or at header level. Item level amendment support 3 action type I (INSERT), U (Update), D (Delete). For delete, currently three reason codes are supported - ZB, ZK, and Z3.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment} /commerce/orders/distributor/amendOrder
    • Headers:
    • client_id: API Client ID
    • client_secret: API Client Secret
    • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
    • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
    • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      poNumber This is the number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document. Optional string 1212
      timeZone The delivery time zone. Optional string UTC
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string DE
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      shipTo This is the party who receives delivery of the goods. There is an unique shipTo number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012657326
      salesOrg This is Shell's organizational unit that is responsible for the sale of certain products or services. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 4. Mandatory string DE01
      customerID This is required in order to identify the source application using the API. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of API. Optional string customername
      deliveryDate This is the delivery date of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      distributorDeliveryNo This represents a unique distributor delivery number. The maximum length allowed is 16. Mandatory string 111
      distChannel This is Shell's distribution channel or the way in which products or services reach the customer. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length allowed is 2. Mandatory string 08
      orderNumber A unique order number. Mandatory string UTC
      division This is Shell's business division providing the products. It is provided to the customer during implementation of API. The length should be 2. Mandatory string 03
      purchaseOrderType The purchase order type Optional string ZOIM
      poDate This is the date that appears on customer's purchase order. The formatted is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      deliveryInstructions This is the delivery instructions provided by the customer. The maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string deliveryInstructions3
      driverInstructions This is the driver instructions for the delivery. The maximum length allowed is 1000. Optional string driverInstructions3
      language Language used. For Example, en: US English, zh_CN: Chinese, th: Thai, ko: Korean, ro: Romanian, sl: Slovenian, hr: Croatian, ms: Malay, uk: Ukrainian, et: Estonian, ar: Arabic, cs: Czech, de: German, en: English, fr: French, el: Greek, hu: Hungarian, it: Italian, ja: Japanese, da: Danish, pl: Polish, zh: Chinese trad., nl: Dutch, no: Norwegian, pt: Portuguese, sk: Slovak, ru: Russian, es: Spanish, tr: Turkish, bg: Bulgarian, lv: Latvian, id: Indonesian Optional string en
      itemList This includes item order details. Mandatory object Refer to productNumber, quantity, and unitOfMeasure, in the below rows of this table.
      productNumber This is Shell product number with leading zeros. The length allowed is 18. Mandatory Number 000000000500012387
      quantity The material quantity in number. Mandatory string 5
      unitOfMeasure This is the unit of measure in which the product is sold. Mandatory string kg
      actionType Possible values are I, U, and D. Action to be performed on the item are I = Insert - Defines inserting a new product number. For example, 000000000500009950, U = Update - Defines updating the product number. For example, 000000000500012387, D = Delete. In case of D, the deleteReasonCode is obligatory to be added. This is required field. Mandatory string 000010
      position The valid position of an item. Mandatory string UTC
      deleteReasonCode This field is mandatory, if the action type is passed as “D”. For “U” and “I” it is optional. Possible values are "Z3","Z6","ZF","ZK","Z7". The action type = D (Delete) is obligatory. Z3-Proposed delivery date is not acceptable / Z6-I ordered the wrong product(s) / ZF-I placed a duplicate order by mistake / ZK-The price(s) are not acceptable / Z7-Other reasons. Conditional Mandatory string Submit
      requestType There are two possible values: 'Preview', 'Submit'. Preview does not create the order, however gives the correct response. This displays the product availability. Submit creates the order and retrieves the response. This is required field. Mandatory string Submit

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2ken33-7803-485n-e2b1-2t7538h597ee' \
    --header 'client_id: 4ked863f-n214-46n1-e0t3-60h717b1841e' \
    --header 'client_secret: CjospI0Bdlsl+sae/KEnneYcSuKV8g/f3JZ/koyMyE4=' \
    --header 'apiKey: KenEgM6oOevFTUfVG9xOu7RbwaLnNVz9' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IklPTG1uejR3NUJBZlhMeXcwdDZuakUwTVZuVV9SUzI1NiIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImJzcncifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImF1dGhvcml6YXRpb25fZGV0YWlscyI6W10sImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IjRhZWQ4NjNmLWYyMTQtNDZlMS1iMGEzLTYwYTcxN2IxODQxZSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLXVhdC5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE3MDc3MTg2NzYsIk9yZ05hbWUiOiJTSEVMTC5DT00iLCJpYXQiOjE3MDc3MTg1NTYsImV4cCI6MTcwNzcxOTU3Nn0.CJbHZXs8Za4dmsPhrmiyJv-b9oRQa0rB1zJP55Z3w8Mfc9aREe8PIk5W98vJlFLhUQCYdUE5vWRPSFPWWEsY8iEoZvDDhb9YcPxpaFz6p3cSYLdAasAYc1tQBp6raYBncb7CwE9jn8Wr8IMESYppdr1ISCA64mo8-UGt2r8_FgbZKs9LRgLpDSvRVXbUyELyLHjLHOX5fj8Tpdr12n8no6L_fnce9PB9xpDBH4ahjbMUmIankhabr3qoxfQbTPNZz_8p6ikHswREe3iksrXC-Jc15K91SRSVkVO2mIFBJchdUak6cBtCIZj5D8_yDsJJjZAyQnHEIX3JJFDWfhP_gQ' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=mHXHIvvM2XS9IKr9hsShq3; ROUTE=.api-c6fdfffdc-cq8zq' \
    --data '{
        "customerID": "INTERNAL",
        "poNumber": "qwerty-keyboard",
        "timeZone": "UTC",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "soldTo": "0011243780",
        "shipTo" : "0012638957",
        "salesOrg": "US52",
        "division": "03",
        "distChannel": "08",
        "orderNumber": "0286601891",
        "language": "en",
        "deliveryDate": "20240120",
        "deliveryInstructions": "27/01/2222 delivery at my primary address",
        "deliveryTimeSlot": "08:00-16:30",
        "driverInstructions": "call to my 2nd update",
        "requestType": "DFOA_Submit",
        "itemList": [
                "deliveryDate": "20240120",
                "productNumber": "000000000500005761",
                "quantity": "15",
                "unitOfMeasure": "GAL",
                "actionType": "U",
                "position": "000010"
                "deliveryDate": "20240122",
                "productNumber": "000000000500003047",
                "quantity": "20",
                "unitOfMeasure": "GAL",
                "actionType": "U",
                "position": "000020"

    Sample cURL Response

        "type": "orderWsDTO",
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                "gsapPosition": "000010",
                "netAmount": "2,145.12",
                "netWeight": "886.884",
                "plantCode": "U845",
                "plantName": "US5827 Warminster PPC DFOA",
                "product": {
                    "baseProduct": "001D8298",
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                    "brand": "Spirax S3 ATF MD3",
                    "code": "000000000500005761",
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                    "materialType": "bulk",
                    "name": "Spirax S3 ATF MD3_BULK_A03Q",
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                    "subGroupDesc": "Automatic Transmission Fluids",
                    "tdsDocs": "",
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                    "volumePricesFlag": false
                "quantity": 123,
                "returnableQuantity": 0,
                "taxAmount": "0.00",
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                "volume": "123.000",
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                "cancellableQuantity": 0,
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                "formattedQuantity": "122.000",
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                "gsapPosition": "000020",
                "netAmount": "2,144.76",
                "netWeight": "875.443",
                "plantCode": "U845",
                "plantName": "US5827 Warminster PPC DFOA",
                "product": {
                    "baseProduct": "001B1126",
                    "baseUom": "KG",
                    "brand": "Pzl ATF",
                    "code": "000000000500003047",
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                    "images": [
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                    "salestext": "Pennzoil ATF BULK",
                    "subGroupDesc": "Automatic Transmission Fluids",
                    "tdsDocs": "",
                    "unit": "GAL",
                    "volumePricesFlag": false
                "quantity": 122,
                "returnableQuantity": 0,
                "taxAmount": "0.00",
                "unitPrice": "17.58",
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        "net": false,
        "subTotal": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "4,289.88"
        "totalDiscounts": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "0.000"
        "totalPrice": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "4,289.88"
        "totalTax": {
            "currencyIso": "USD",
            "formattedValue": "0.00"
        "accountData": {
            "businessCategory": "US52_08_03",
            "distChannel": "08",
            "division": "03",
            "salesOrg": "US52",
            "shipTo": "0012638957",
            "soldTo": "0011243780"
        "cancellable": false,
        "errorData": {
            "errors": [],
            "shouldProceed": true
        "guestCustomer": false,
        "returnable": false,
        "salesOrderData": {
            "accountNumber": "0011243780",
            "businessCategory": "US52_08_03",
            "contract": "",
            "createDate": "01/10/2024",
            "createTime": "05:03:26",
            "delBlock": "",
            "delStatus": "A",
            "delWind": "080000 170000",
            "deliveryDate": "01/22/2024",
            "deliveryMode": "11",
            "deliveryPriorityCode": "09",
            "distChannel": "08",
            "division": "03",
            "orderNumber": "0286601891",
            "poDate": "01/09/2024",
            "poNumber": "UI dfoa amend order",
            "receivingLocation": "0012638957",
            "salesOrg": "US52",
            "vsbed": "11",
            "zlsch": "2"
        "salesOrderPriceData": {
            "netPrice": "4,289.88",
            "surchargeCurrency": "USD",
            "tax": "0.00",
            "total": "4,289.88"
        "successData": {
            "cutOffDate": "01/10/2024",
            "cutOffFlag": "N",
            "cutOffTime": "16:00:00",
            "delTimeFrom": "00:00:00",
            "delTimeTo": "00:00:00",
            "orderNumber": "0286601891",
            "poDate": "01/09/2024",
            "poNumber": "UI dfoa amend order",
            "shTimeZone": "EST"
        "viewPrices": true,
        "wandvDetails": {
            "grossWeight": "1,762.327",
            "netWeight": "1,762.327",
            "volume": "245.000",
            "volumeUnit": "GAL",
            "weightUnit": "LB"

    COV Shipment Event


    This API is used by the distributors to notify Shell about the shipment delivery status for the orders delivered to the customers through distributors network.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: POST
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/orders/create
    • Headers:
    • client_id: API Client ID
    • client_secret: API Client Secret
    • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
    • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
    • apiKey: A unique Shell API key
    • Body :

      Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      soldTo This is the customer who orders goods or services. The soldTo party is contractually responsible for sales orders. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012506331
      customerID This is required in order to identify the source application using the API. It is provided to the customer during the implementation of API. Optional string GXP
      poNumber This is the number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document. Optional string 1234567
      orderNumber This is the number that uniquely identifies an order. The length allowed is 9. Mandatory string 0250898700
      deliveryDate This is the delivery date of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 20221010
      plannedDeliveryDateTime This is the planned delivery date and time of an order. The format is YYYYMMDD. Optional string 2022-03-09T10:30:00
      deliveryEvent The field displyas delivery event status is populated by the distributors. Below are the possible values it can take:
      - 00 - Confirmed Delivery
      - 02 - Loaded/ Picked Up
      - 01 - One Day Away
      - 99 - Delayed
      - 03 - Two Hours Away
      - 04 - Delivered
      - 05 - Distance to Delivery
      Mandatory string 98
      eventWhenChanged This field must populate with the current date time by the distributors on every delivery event [deliveryEvent] status. Mandatory string 2022-03-09T10:30:00
      deliveryNumber This is a unique delivery number. Mandatory string 7909272579
      itemList This includes item order details. Mandatory object Refer to productNumber, quantity, and unitOfMeasure, in the below rows of this table.
      unitOfMeasure This is the unit of measure in which the product is sold. Mandatory string kg
      quantity The material quantity in number. Mandatory Number 12
      deliveryLineItem The delivery line item. Optional string na
      productNumber The product number. Mandatory string 400003322
      productName The product name. Mandatory string Shell Bitumen 70/100 Supply
      tankNumber The tank number. Mandatory string 25
      deliveryEventMessage The delivery event message. Optional string Sending Order
      deliveryDelayReason The delivery delay reason. Optional string Queue at loading
      shipTo This is the party who receives delivery of the goods. There is an unique shipTo number assigned for each registered address. In case of new party, Shell provides a new number. The list is provided to the customer during the implementation of the API. The length allowed is 10. Mandatory string 0012506331
      displayAddress The display address of a customer. Mandatory string System.Address[getCity=HERIMENIL;getCountry=France;getCountryCode=FR;getGeocodeAccuracy=null;getPostalCode=54300;getState=Meurthe-et-Moselle;getStateCode=54;getStreet=GRANDE RUE;]
      countryCode This represents the ISO 3166-1 standard Alpha-2 code of the Country (e.g. "FR" for France). Mandatory string fr
      timeToDelivery The approximate delivery time. Optional string 12345
      vehicleDistance The approximate distance of a vehicle from destination. Mandatory string 50
      vehicleDistanceUnit The approximate distance of a vehicle from destination in Kilometer. Mandatory string 25
      deliverySequence The delivery sequence. Mandatory string 10

    Note: If the delivery event is 05 (Distance to Delivery) then the following additional fields must pass.

    • Body :

      Name Description Mandatory / Optional Data Type Example
      Time_To_Delivery_Period The delivery time period. The possible values in hour, minutes, or hour:minutes. Mandatory string 01:10
      Vehicle_Distance The vehicle distance in Kilometre. Mandatory string 30.0
      Vehicle_Distance_Unit_Code The vehicle distance code in Kilometre. Mandatory string Kilometre

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 1k2den33-2803-385e-t2b1-4h7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_id: 1ked863f-f214-246e1-b0a3-30a717b1841e' \
    --header 'client_secret: KeospI0Bdlsl+sae/IHsezYcSuKV8g/f3JZ/koyMyE4=' \
    --header 'apiKey: KexIgM6oOnnFTUfVG9xOu7RethLnNVz9' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer KeJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImJqaWx1VE1BN25aV1F3S2NGTHM5eTllSS1oZ19SUzI1NiIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImJzcncifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImF1dGhvcml6YXRpb25fZGV0YWlscyI6W10sImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IjRhZWQ4NjNmLWYyMTQtNDZlMS1iMGEzLTYwYTcxN2IxODQxZSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLXVhdC5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE3MDQ4OTE3MzUsIk9yZ05hbWUiOiJTSEVMTC5DT00iLCJpYXQiOjE3MDQ4OTE2MTUsImV4cCI6MTcwNDg5MjYzNX0.Kqr0Ik04QdPB26FRCKHgnKIfOHW7pC9uEK74x5BhYbo58iE3gS7QFrMClP2MT2LXmRXLww4iyJLItxJU1JlMrxnujxMLILtR2ZLUFydd8gjqvXE-2bF2_Fowoe4FoaIMzTLD9J2ivJkmkAy5kJ1l3BzWIZ5wARlfetcKU_gPPfrt02qebHbHe6sVZNa9eDxPEFcfx0XF5TGlhAj8bvLGyXaC-NnDyBnYAQPBCYHaS0_qX43B38W7cHokPptVnRLNSTA_BqzvSGxnmQM9BjXZpczt4-SSq8gEvzidBEl8GfZA75H1UnJNr3hjwVc0SxXPbKKxe5nBTa0ou70y3tLw5g' \
    --data '{
        "customerID": "GXP",
        "soldTo": "0012506331",
        "orderNumber": "0250898700",
        "poNumber": "1234567",
        "plannedDeliveryDateTime": "2022-03-09T10:30:00",
        "deliveryEvent": "98",
        "eventWhenChanged": "2022-02-03T08:59:54",
        "deliveryNumber": "7909272579",
        "itemList": [
                "unitOfMeasure": "TO",
                "quantity": "12",
                "deliveryLineItem": "",
                "productNumber": "400003322",
                "productName": "Shell Bitumen 70/100 Supply"
        "deliveryEventMessage": "Sending Order",
        "deliveryDelayReason": "Queue at loading",
        "shipTo": "0012506331",
        "displayAddress": "System.Address[getCity=HERIMENIL;getCountry=France;getCountryCode=FR;getGeocodeAccuracy=null;getPostalCode=54300;getState=Meurthe-et-Moselle;getStateCode=54;getStreet=GRANDE RUE;]",
        "countryCode": "fr"

    Sample cURL Request - Delivery Event 05

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 1k2den33-2803-385e-t2b1-4h7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_id: 1ked863f-f214-246e1-b0a3-30a717b1841e' \
    --header 'client_secret: KeospI0Bdlsl+sae/IHsezYcSuKV8g/f3JZ/koyMyE4=' \
    --header 'apiKey: KexIgM6oOnnFTUfVG9xOu7RethLnNVz9' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer KeJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImJqaWx1VE1BN25aV1F3S2NGTHM5eTllSS1oZ19SUzI1NiIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImJzcncifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImF1dGhvcml6YXRpb25fZGV0YWlscyI6W10sImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IjRhZWQ4NjNmLWYyMTQtNDZlMS1iMGEzLTYwYTcxN2IxODQxZSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLXVhdC5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE3MDQ4OTE3MzUsIk9yZ05hbWUiOiJTSEVMTC5DT00iLCJpYXQiOjE3MDQ4OTE2MTUsImV4cCI6MTcwNDg5MjYzNX0.Kqr0Ik04QdPB26FRCKHgnKIfOHW7pC9uEK74x5BhYbo58iE3gS7QFrMClP2MT2LXmRXLww4iyJLItxJU1JlMrxnujxMLILtR2ZLUFydd8gjqvXE-2bF2_Fowoe4FoaIMzTLD9J2ivJkmkAy5kJ1l3BzWIZ5wARlfetcKU_gPPfrt02qebHbHe6sVZNa9eDxPEFcfx0XF5TGlhAj8bvLGyXaC-NnDyBnYAQPBCYHaS0_qX43B38W7cHokPptVnRLNSTA_BqzvSGxnmQM9BjXZpczt4-SSq8gEvzidBEl8GfZA75H1UnJNr3hjwVc0SxXPbKKxe5nBTa0ou70y3tLw5g' \
    --data '{
        "customerID": "GXP",
        "soldTo": "0012506331",
        "orderNumber": "0250898700",
        "poNumber": "1234567",
        "plannedDeliveryDateTime": "2022-03-09T10:30:00",
        "deliveryEvent": "05",
        "eventWhenChanged": "2022-02-03T08:59:54",
        "deliveryNumber": "7909272579",
        "itemList": [
                "unitOfMeasure": "TO",
                "quantity": "12",
                "deliveryLineItem": "",
                "productNumber": "400003322",
                "productName": "Shell Bitumen 70/100 Supply"
        "deliveryEventMessage": "Sending Order",
        "deliveryDelayReason": "Queue at loading",
        "shipTo": "0012506331",
        "displayAddress": "System.Address[getCity=HERIMENIL;getCountry=France;getCountryCode=FR;getGeocodeAccuracy=null;getPostalCode=54300;getState=Meurthe-et-Moselle;getStateCode=54;getStreet=GRANDE RUE;]",
        "countryCode": "fr",
        "Time_To_Delivery_Period": "01:10",
        "Delivery_Event_Message_Text": "30 KM Away",
        "Vehicle_Distance": "30.0",
        "Vehicle_Distance_Unit_Code": "Km",
        "EventTypCd": "05",
        "EventDTM": "2023-07-19T14:30:19",
        "Country_Code": "US",
        "Delivery_Sequence": "1st Del"

    Sample cURL Response

        "status": "Success",
        "_id": "Unique Id created is 6577f08dcd4aee186ea78162"

    Get ShipTo Based on SoldTo


    This endpoint retrieves the ship to details based on soldTo parameter.

    Key Request Parameters

    • Method: GET
    • URI: {Shell Lubricants Environment}/refdata/shipto/{soldTO}
    • Headers:
    • client_id: API Client ID
    • client_secret: API Client Secret
    • Authorization: Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
    • RequestId: RequestId must be unique identifier value that can be used by the consumer to correlate each request/response.
    • apiKey: A unique Shell API key

    Sample cURL Request

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'RequestId: 9d2ken33-7803-485e-t2b1-2h7538e597ee' \
    --header 'client_id: 4ken863e-t214-46h1-b0a3-60a717b1841e' \
    --header 'client_secret: KenspI0Bdlsl+sae/IHsezYcSuKV8g/f3JZ/koyMyE4=' \
    --header 'apiKey: KenIgM6oOevFTUfVG9xOu7RbwaLnNVz9' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSadarNiIsImtpZCI6Ii03V2N3cWV6RnJpLS1vX3Q2cXU1NkRuMC1Eb19SUzI1NiIsInBpLmF0bSI6ImJzcncifQ.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImF1dGhvcml6YXRpb25fZGV0YWlscyI6W10sImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IjRhZWQ4NjNmLWYyMTQtNDZlMS1iMGEzLTYwYTcxN2IxODQxZSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc3NvLXVhdC5zaGVsbC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE3MDc3NDEzODQsIk9yZ05hbWUiOiJTSEVMTC5DT00iLCJpYXQiOjE3MDc3NDEyNjQsImV4cCI6MTcwNzc0MjI4NH0.J07koJl05vmhcKXSAWA5pxg2wG_6k7-Uj12MIjbzUcz8Wb0KvkRq5SflPsSLTkQNvr7tQtoLIxSMMt2MZYd3YWyXfwnYmwdjsGvRn4VeZ7pYHQLTksL1OUkmCS1NwBppNTbdVj6Z86_00R6CvSRl7V3ak1pBpxj5bUDBeY1GT71CXlxkklDwGvJG3pRQr10iOKc5V3GdB8BlVPtX-jdsS8YX1-HSMIlZjo2hQ8qqF2NhkJC9LGrsa3TOfnwmNmX8DAOwVOg_P3ZWLVvCs4GiUcG2OYKwVfnYCdv2TA3J8UoBLqUPOAnNz7g2g4vYFbOLAoVZoKa2ZmD58m6RbntL_g' \
    --header 'Cookie: PF=mHXHIvvM2XS9IKr9hsShq3; ROUTE=.api-6f6ccf7f86-dwtwq'

    Sample cURL Response

        "receivingLocations": [
                "accountNumber": "0012018690",
                "billingAddress": false,
                "cellphone": "4427155025",
                "contactAddress": false,
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "India",
                    "isocode": "IN",
                    "name": "India"
                "defaultAddress": false,
                "displayAccountNumber": "12018690",
                "postalCode": "631607",
                "region": {
                    "isocode": "22"
                "shippingAddress": true,
                "town": "KANCHIPURAM"
                "accountNumber": "0012018690",
                "billingAddress": false,
                "contactAddress": false,
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "India",
                    "isocode": "IN",
                    "name": "India"
                "defaultAddress": false,
                "displayAccountNumber": "12018690",
                "displayAddress": "12018690 KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 846151",
                "district": "846151",
                "formattedAddress": "KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 846151",
                "postalCode": "846151",
                "region": {
                    "isocode": "22"
                "shippingAddress": true,
                "town": "CITY"
                "accountNumber": "0012462112",
                "billingAddress": false,
                "cellphone": "7118238305",
                "contactAddress": false,
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "India",
                    "isocode": "IN",
                    "name": "India"
                "defaultAddress": false,
                "displayAccountNumber": "12462112",
                "displayAddress": "12462112 KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 725051",
                "district": "725051",
                "formattedAddress": "KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 725051",
                "postalCode": "725051",
                "region": {
                    "isocode": "13"
                "shippingAddress": true,
                "town": "CITY"
                "accountNumber": "0012018782",
                "billingAddress": false,
                "cellphone": "4427155025",
                "contactAddress": false,
                "country": {
                    "englishName": "India",
                    "isocode": "IN",
                    "name": "India"
                "defaultAddress": false,
                "displayAccountNumber": "12018782",
                "displayAddress": "12018782 KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 815050",
                "district": "815050",
                "formattedAddress": "KOMATSU INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED   123, dummy street, dummy street2, CITY, 815050",
                "postalCode": "815050",
                "region": {
                    "isocode": "22"
                "shippingAddress": true,
                "town": "CITY"

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    The Shell Developer Portal is here to support partners to onboard to Shell APIs, the portal is here to take ideas to production


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