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Shell Mobility Systems 1.0.13

Getting Started with Shell Mobility System (SMS) APIs

Shell Mobility Systems (SMS) allows you to send and receive all the mobility tasks, data, and insights that you need without leaing your system.

Scenarios that you can do on your internal platform include:

  • Create Work Order
  • Update Work Order
  • Retrieve Work Order
  • Cancel Work Order

SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operatives' mobile application and executes on the ground. This API also enables to view live updates from the SMS dashbooard on your Word Order status, images and relevant documents.

The below table represents the set of APIs that Shell offers to create and manage the work order in SMS system.

API End Point API Functionality
POST /job Customer creates the work order by entering all the details required for the SMS to complete the task. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operatives via mobile application and executes on the ground
GET /jobs/{jobId} Get the details of a particular work order
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/customer To update the customer details for the specific work order
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/vehicle To update the vehicle details for the specific work order
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/swapVehicle To update the swap vehicle request for the specific work order
POST /jobs/{jobId}/cancel Customer updates existing work order to cancel. SMS consumes the API and removes the associated tasks from the system
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/slotBooking Customer can book any of the available slot for the scheduled work order. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operatives via mobile application and executes on the ground
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/woSchedule Customer can schedule existing work order for specific date or time. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operatives via mobile application and execute on the ground
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/woReschedule Customer updates existing work order to an alternative date and/or time. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operatives via mobile application and executes on the ground
GET /accounts/{accountId}/locations Get the list of all the MCC locations for the customer account
GET /accounts/{accountId}/workTypes Get the list of all the work order and sub work order types of the specific customer account

Authentication Service

OAuth 2.0 is the preferred method of authentication to access the APIs. OAuth 2.0 allows authorization without the external application getting the user's email address or the password. Instead, the external application gets a token that authorizes access to the user's account. All the SMS APIs are secured/protected using standard OAuth 2.0.

The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram below.

sequenceDiagram participant B2B Customer participant Shell autonumber alt Manual Process rect rgb(200, 150, 255) B2B Customer ->> Shell: Request Client ID and Client Secret via Shell API portal activate Shell Shell ->> B2B Customer: Generate and provide Client ID and Client Secret deactivate Shell end end alt Authentication/Authorization rect rgb(135, 206, 235) B2B Customer ->> Shell: Calls OAuth endpoint with credentials activate Shell Shell ->> B2B Customer : (200-OK) Returns Bearer Token deactivate Shell end end alt Call Functional Endpoint rect rgb(200, 150, 255) B2B Customer ->> Shell: Call the Functional endpoint along with bearer token received from the previous step activate Shell Shell ->> B2B Customer : Returns a response on validation of the bearer token deactivate Shell end end

The above step is to generate API Access Token using the unique Client ID and Client Secret provided by Shell.

Note: The credentials is to validate the API request between Shell and its B2B Customer, so it is system-to-system access token.

Key Request Parameters

Once you receive the Client ID and the Client Secret, the next step is to call the below OAuth 2.0 endpoint to generate the access token <[]>

The key request details for the OAuth 2.0 endpoint are:

Element Value
Method POST
Authorization Type OAuth 2.0
Auth URI []
Client_Id ****(OAuth ClientID)
Client Secret ****(OAuth Client Secret)
Grant Type client_credentials

Sample cURL Request

curl -X POST\
  -H 'authorization: Basic sadasdasdasdadadasdasd=='\
  -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\
  -d grant_type=client_credentials'\
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=*************'\
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'

On receiving the requests, Shell Authorization system verifies all the parameters in the request and, if everything checks out, then it will generate your access token and return it in the response.

Sample Response Body

   "access_token": "***********",

   "token_type": "Bearer",

   "expires_in": 7199

The response parameter and the description are:

Parameter Description
access_token The access token to be used to call the functional APIs
expires_in The number of seconds until the access token expires
token_type Bearer

Exception Handling

All the error scenarios are returned with a response body and identifier.

   "error_description": "invalid client or client credentials",

   "error": "invalid_client"
HTTP Status Code Description Scenarios
400 Bad Request
  • If invalid scope passed to token URL
  • Invalid grant type passed to token URL
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • If invalid ID/secret passed to token URL
  • If invalid or expired token passed to destination system’s API
  • Create Work Order Service


    Customer creates the work order by entering all the details required for SMS to complete the task. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operative via mobile application and executes on the ground by the operative.

    Customer has to provide the below details to create the work order.

    • The address location of the user
    • Customer details
    • Location, where the service is required
    • Date, when the service is required
    • Vehicle details

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Create WorkOrder Request + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Create WorkOrder Request + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: WorkOrder ID Created sucessfully

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method POST

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier is issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth 2.0 end point)
    X_Correlation_Id This is a technical and unique identifier with the objective reference to a particular transaction or event. In case of any disruption in the communication, this identifier will be used to ensure no duplicate records are being created
    Content-Type Content-Type entity header is used to indicate the media type of the resource i.e., application/json

    Customer creates the work order by entering the mandatory fields depends on the business scenarios.

    The below tables represents the functionality of all the fields available in Create Work Order request.

    Create Work Order Request Payload Fields

    Field Description Data Type Examples
    accountId Unique account ID required to identify the customer String 0019E00001jzZFQQA2
    workTypeId Indicates the type of work order String 08q9E000000Do7yQAC
    orderNumber Unique ID.
    Note: The Fleet customer creates the order number that can be used as reference
    String LMB143082152176
    linkedWorkOrderId Work order ID of the linked work order String 44363949
    jobDate The preferred start date and end date of the job Date format: YYYY-MM-DD 2022-12-28 11:00:00
    countryISOCode The ISO code of the country, of the job address String FRA
    addInstr Any other additional instruction.
    Note: Fleet customer enters any additional instructions required for the service operative to know and to exceute the task
    String Get documents signed
    firstName The first name of the end customer whose the job has booked String John
    lastName The last name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Smith
    customerIdentification Government approved customer identification that can be used to authenticate the end user String License number: 100071452
    customerMobile Customer Mobile Number.
    Note: The service operative can use the customer mobile number to communicate and to share the job updates with them
    Number 34722436539
    mobileCountryCode Defines the Mobile dialing code for the country String 33
    contractType Type of Contract String Contract type: Lease
    subWorkTypeId ID which defines the service appointment String 23454
    locationId ID which identifies the location of the station String 1309E000000DRtmQAG
    Street The street name of either the customer address or a MCC location String Rue du Panier
    City The city or town of either the customer address or a MCC location String Marseille
    zipCode The postal code or zipcode of either the customer address or a MCC location String 13001
    Country The country name of either the customer address or a MCC location String France
    Latitude The latitude of either the customer address or a MCC location String 43.304585
    Longitude The longitude of either the customer address or a MCC location String 5.415667
    vehicleModel The model of the Vehicle String PHEV
    vehicleVinNumber Unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) String L6TBX2E68GE0145012
    vehicleRegNumber Registration number of the vehicle String 4572LST

    Business Scenario 1: Create work order for CAR delivery

    Customer creates the work order for CAR delivery by entering all the mandatory details required for SMS to complete the task. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operative via mobile application and executes on the ground by the operative.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Examples
    accountId Unique account ID required to identify the customer String Required 0019E00001jzZFQQA2
    workTypeId Indicates the type of work order String Required 08q9E000000Do7yQAC
    orderNumber Unique ID.
    Note: The Fleet customer creates the order number that can be used as reference
    String Required LMB143082152176
    jobDate The preferred start date and end date of the job Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Required 2022-12-28 11:00:00
    Country The country name of either the customer address or a MCC location String Required France
    countryISOCode The ISO code of the country, of the job address String Required FRA
    firstName The first name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Required John
    lastName The last name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Required Smith
    customerMobile Customer Mobile Number.
    Note: The service operative can use the customer mobile number to communicate and to share the job updates with them
    Number Required 34722436539
    mobileCountryCode Defines the Mobile dialing code for the country String Required 33

    Note: The other fields which are not mentioned in the above table are optional to create work order for CAR delivery.

    Click here to view the complete payload fields available for Create Work Order request.

    Business Scenario 2: Create work order for PUD drop

    Customer creates the work order for PUD drop by entering all the mandatory details required for SMS to complete the task. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operative via mobile application and executes on the ground by the operative.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Examples
    accountId Unique account ID required to identify the customer String Required 0019E00001jzZFQQA2
    workTypeId Indicates the type of work order String Required 08q9E000000Do7yQAC
    orderNumber Unique ID.
    Note: The Fleet customer creates the order number that can be used as reference
    String Required LMB143082152176
    jobDate The preferred start date and end date of the job Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Required 2022-12-28 11:00:00
    Country The country name of either the customer address or a MCC location String Required France
    countryISOCode The ISO code of the country, of the job address String Required FRA
    firstName The first name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Required John
    lastName The last name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Required Smith
    customerMobile Customer Mobile Number.
    Note: The service operative can use the customer mobile number to communicate and to share the job updates with them
    Number Required 34722436539
    mobileCountryCode Defines the Mobile dialing code for the country String Required 33

    Note: The other fields which are not mentioned in the above table are optional to create work order for PUD drop.

    Click here to view the complete payload fields available for Create Work Order request.

    Business Scenario 3: Create work order for PUD Pickup

    Customer creates the work order for PUD Pickup by entering all the mandatory details required for SMS to complete the task. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operative via mobile application and executes on the ground by the operative.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Examples
    accountId Unique account ID required to identify the customer String Required 0019E00001jzZFQQA2
    workTypeId Indicates the type of work order String Required 08q9E000000Do7yQAC
    orderNumber Unique ID.
    Note: The Fleet customer creates the order number that can be used as reference
    String Required LMB143082152176
    jobDate The preferred start date and end date of the job Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Required 2022-12-28 11:00:00
    Country The country name of either the customer address or a MCC location String Required France
    countryISOCode The ISO code of the country, of the job address String Required FRA
    firstName The first name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Required John
    lastName The last name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Required Smith
    customerMobile Customer Mobile Number.
    Note: The service operative can use the customer mobile number to communicate and to share the job updates with them
    Number Required 34722436539
    mobileCountryCode Defines the Mobile dialing code for the country String Required 33

    Note: The other fields which are not mentioned in the above table are optional to create work order for PUD Pickup.

    Click here to view the complete payload fields available for Create Work Order request.

    Business Scenario 4: Create work order for Test drive

    Customer creates the work order for Test drive by entering all the mandatory details required for SMS to complete the task. SMS consumes the API, optimizes the logistics, allocates the task to the operative via mobile application and executes on the ground by the operative.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Examples
    accountId Unique account ID required to identify the customer String Required 0019E00001jzZFQQA2
    workTypeId Indicates the type of work order String Required 08q9E000000Do7yQAC
    jobDate The preferred start date and end date of the job Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Required 2022-12-28 11:00:00
    Country The country name of either the customer address or a MCC location String Required France
    countryISOCode The ISO code of the country, of the job address String Required FRA
    firstName The first name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Required John
    lastName The last name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Required Smith
    customerMobile Customer Mobile Number.
    Note: The service operative can use the customer mobile number to communicate and to share the job updates with them
    Number Required 34722436539
    mobileCountryCode Defines the Mobile dialing code for the country String Required 33

    Note: The other fields which are not mentioned in the above table are optional to create work order for Test drive.

    Click here to view the complete payload fields available for Create Work Order request.

    Sample Request Body

        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "workTypeId": "08q9E000000Do7yQAC",
        "orderNumber": "LMB143082152176",
        "linkedWorkOrderId": "44363949",
        "jobDate": "2022-12-28 08:00:00",
        "contractType": "Lease",
        "addInstr": "Include a welcome kit in the car",
        "customer": {
          "firstName": "John",
          "lastName": "Smith",
          "customerIdentification": "100071452",
          "countryISOCode": "FRA",
          "customerMobile": 34722436539,
          "mobileCountryCode": 33
        "arrayOfAddress": {
          "subWorkTypeId": "02q9E000000Co6oRAG",
          "locationId": "1309E000000DRtmQAG",
          "street": "Rue du Panier",
          "city": "Marseille",
          "zipCode": "13001",
          "country": "France",
          "latitude": "43.304585",
          "longitude": "5.415667",
          "vehicleModel": "PHEV",
          "vehicleVinNumber": "L6TBX2E68GE0145012",
          "vehicleRegNumber": "4572LST"

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ErrorDetails": {}
      "ResponseBody": [
          "JobId": "00011923",
          "Success": true,
          "httpStatusCode": 201,
          "Message": "Successfully created work order in back end system"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X POST \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer Tb5xafygCyShBVl7mGcMhvKf***' \
      -H 'bypass-cache: true' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: **********' \
      -H 'client_secret: *********' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'postman-token: 8a6721e5-277d-585f-d2e8-df87e5d088c6' \
      -H 'x_correlation_id: Test123213123ads' \
      -d '{
        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "workTypeId": "08q9E000000Do7yQAC",
        "orderNumber": "LMB143082152176",
        "linkedWorkOrderId": "44363949",
        "jobDate": "2022-12-28 08:00:00",
        "contractType": "Lease",
        "addInstr": "Include a welcome kit in the car",
        "customer": {
          "firstName": "John",
          "lastName": "Smith",
          "customerIdentification": "100071452",
          "countryISOCode": "FRA",
          "customerMobile": 34722436539,
          "mobileCountryCode": 33
        "arrayOfAddress": {
          "subWorkTypeId": "02q9E000000Co6oRAG",
          "locationId": "1309E000000DRtmQAG",
          "street": "Rue du Panier",
          "city": "Marseille",
          "zipCode": "13001",
          "country": "France",
          "latitude": "43.304585",
          "longitude": "5.415667",
          "vehicleModel": "PHEV",
          "vehicleVinNumber": "L6TBX2E68GE0145012",
          "vehicleRegNumber": "4572LST"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/ Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the errors thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or error due to sub systems.

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Invalid or duplicate External Reference number provided while invoking the createWorkOrder Endpoint
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0001",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "The External Ref Number is already used. Please enter unique External Ref Number.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 X_Correlation_Id value already exit in back end system
       "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0001",
                "ErrorMessage": "BAD  REQUEST",
                "ErrorDescription": "The correlation ID need to unique to create workorder in back end system, X_Correlation_Id value already exit in back end system",
                "ErrorBody": [
                "JobId": "00011923",
                "Id": "0WO1x000001pIclGAE",
                "SMS_WO_Correlation_ID__c": " "
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Work Order creation is unsuccessful because carWshopId is not present at back end system
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0001",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "The carWshopId value is Invalid, Please provide the correct CarWshopId.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Given jobId contains empty data at the back end system
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Jobid is invalid, please try with valid jobid.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 BAD Request
    The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing)
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0001",
          "ErrorMessage": "BAD_REQUEST",
          "ErrorDescription": "Required header 'Authorization' not specified",
          "ErrorBody": ""
      "ResponseBody": ""
    401 Unauthorized
    The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0010",
          "ErrorMessage": "UNAUTHORIZED",
          "ErrorDescription": "Access Token is Invalid or  Expired",
          "ErrorBody": ""
      "ResponseBody": ""
    404 Resource Not Found
    The server cannot find the requested resource
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0020",
          "ErrorMessage": "RESOURCE_NOTFOUND",
          "ErrorDescription": "Requested Resource Not Found",
          "ErrorBody": ""
      "ResponseBody": ""
    405 Method Not Allowed
    The target resource does not support this method
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0030",
          "ErrorMessage": "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED",
          "ErrorDescription": "Requested method is not allowed",
          "ErrorBody": " "
      "ResponseBody": ""
    413 Payload too large
    The request entity is larger than limits defined by server
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0040",
          "ErrorMessage": "PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE",
          "ErrorDescription": "Request Payload is  larger than limits defined by server",
          "ErrorBody": " "
      "ResponseBody": ""
    415 Unsupported Media Type
    The server refuses to accept the request because the payload format is in an unsupported format.
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0050",
          "ErrorMessage": "UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE",
          "ErrorDescription": "Server refuses to accept the request because the payload format is in an unsupported format",
          "ErrorBody": ""
      "ResponseBody": ""
    429 Too Many Requests
    The Request reached maximum allocated rate limit.
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0060",
          "ErrorMessage": "TOO_MANY_REQUESTS",
          "ErrorDescription": "Exceeded maximum allowed number of request limit",
          "ErrorBody": ""
      "ResponseBody": ""
    500 Internal Server error
    The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0070",
          "ErrorMessage": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
          "ErrorDescription": "Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request",
          "ErrorBody": ""
      "ResponseBody": ""
    503 Service Unavailable
    The server is not ready to handle the request. Try the request again after sometime
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Failure",
        "ErrorDetails": {
          "ErrorCode": "E0080",
          "ErrorMessage": "SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE",
          "ErrorDescription": "The server is not ready to handle the request",
          "ErrorBody": ""
      "ResponseBody": ""

    Get Job Details Service


    This API retrieves the details of the specific work order. The path-param for the unique job ID needs to be set mandatory in the end-point path-param placeholder.

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Get Job Details Service + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Get Job Details Service + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Successfully Returned WorkOrder details for the Job ID

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method GET

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth 2.0 end point)

    The Path parameters and the descriptions are given below.

    Parameter Description
    jobId The mandatory unique Job ID (path-param) to retrieve the details of a particular job

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ResponseBody": {
          "workOrderDetails": {
            "jobDate": "2022-12-28 08:00:00",
            "contractType": "Lease",
            "addInstr": "Include a welcome kit in the car",
            "workOrderStatus": "Pending slot confirmation",
            "scheduledSlot": "11:00 - 12:00",
            "customer": {
              "firstName": "John",
              "lastName": "Smith",
              "customerIdentification": "100071452",
              "countryISOCode": "FRA",
              "customerMobile": 34722436539,
              "mobileCountryCode": 33
            "arrayOfAddress": {
              "addressType": "Pickup the vehicle",
              "street": "Rue du Panier",
              "city": "Marseille",
              "zipCode": "13001",
              "country": "France",
              "latitude": "43.304585",
              "longitude": "5.415667",
              "vehicleModel": "PHEV",
              "vehicleVinNumber": "L6TBX2E68GE0145012",
              "vehicleRegNumber": "4572LST"
          "linkedWorkOrderDetails": [
              "workOrderId": "44363949",
              "jobDate": "2022-12-28 08:00:00",
              "contractType": "Lease",
              "addInstr": "Include a welcome kit in the car",
              "workOrderStatus": "Pending slot confirmation",
              "scheduledSlot": "11:00 - 12:00",
              "customer": {
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Smith",
                "customerIdentification": "100071452",
                "countryISOCode": "FRA",
                "customerMobile": 34722436539,
                "mobileCountryCode": 33
              "arrayOfAddress": {
                "addressType": "Pickup the vehicle",
                "street": "Rue du Panier",
                "city": "Marseille",
                "zipCode": "13001",
                "country": "France",
                "latitude": "43.304585",
                "longitude": "5.415667",
                "vehicleModel": "PHEV",
                "vehicleVinNumber": "L6TBX2E68GE0145012",
                "vehicleRegNumber": "4572LST"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X GET \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer *****' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: *****' \
      -H 'client_secret: *****' \
      -H 'postman-token: 350fd5b7-2a5d-8281-aab2-28d3a90d3543'

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/ Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the Error thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or Error due to sub systems.

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Bad Request
    Given jobId contains empty data at the back end system
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Jobid is invalid, please try with valid jobid.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Bad Request
    The External Reference Number is already used. Please enter unique External Reference Number
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0100",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "The External Ref Number is already used. Please enter unique External Ref Number.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Update Customer Details Service


    Once the Work Order is created, customer can use the endpoint to update customer details.

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Update Customer Details Service + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Update Customer Details Service + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Customer Details updated Successfully

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method PUT

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Content-Type This is to indicate the media type of the resource i.e., application/json
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)

    The Path Parameter and the description are given below.

    Parameter Description
    jobId The mandatory unique Job ID (path-param) to retrieve the details of a particular job

    The request body has the below mentioned data to Update Customer Details Service.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Example
    fisrtName The first name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Optional John
    lastName The last name of the end customer whose the job has booked String Optional Doe
    custMobile Customer mobile number is used by the service operative to communicate and to share the job updates with the customer Number Optional 56272891
    custId Government approved customer identification that can be used to authenticate the customer String Optional License Number: 123 456 789
    addInstr Any other additional instruction.
    Note: Fleet customer provides any additional instructions required for the service operative to know and to exceute the task
    String Optional Get documents signed

    Sample Request Body

        "custId": "123445",
        "fisrtName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "custMobile": "56728910",
        "custEmail": "",
        "addInstr": "Include a welcome kit in the car"

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ErrorDetails": {}
      "ResponseBody": [
          "JobId": "00011810",
          "Success": true,
          "httpStatusCode": 200,
          "Message": "Customer value successfully updated in Back End System"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X PUT \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer 32axZ6RPVHr5JwSOZahGiDqGTeGU' \
      -H 'bypass-cache: true' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: *********' \
      -H 'client_secret: *********' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'postman-token: f96d1f23-f64c-dfa6-7c12-c9878aefce95' \
      -H 'x_correlation_id: asadasda12313as' \
      -d '[
        "custId": "123445",
        "fisrtName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "custMobile": "56728910",
        "custEmail": "",
        "addInstr": "Include a welcome kit in the car"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/ Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the errors thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or Error due to sub systems

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 WorkOrder is Confirmed, so you cannot update the customer details
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder is Confirmed, so you cannot update the customer details",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Work Order does not exist
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Work Order does not exist",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 WorkOrder is Canceled, so you cannot update the customer details
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder is Canceled, so you cannot update the customer details",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 WorkOrder is Completed, so you cannot update the customer details
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder is Completed, so you cannot update the customer details",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Update Vehicle Details for Specific Work Orders


    Updation of vehicle details pertaining to a particular job

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Update Vehicle Details for Specific Work Orders + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Update Vehicle Details for Specific Work Orders + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Successfully updated Vehicle Details

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method PUT

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
    Content-Type This is to indicate the media type of the resource i.e., application/json

    The Path Parameter and the description are given below.

    Parameter Description
    jobId The mandatory unique Job ID (path-param) to retrieve the details of a particular job

    The request body has the below mentioned data to Update Vehicle Details for Specific Work Orders.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Example
    isCarReady Is the vehicle ready for the job String Optional Yes
    carVin The Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle String Optional 4T1BF1FK4CU609641
    carModel The corresponding vehicle model String Optional 01
    carReg The vehicle registration number String Optional J 206 FV

    Sample Request Body

        "isCarReady": true,
        "carVin": "4T1BF1FK4CU609641",
        "carModel": "Model 1",
        "carReg": "J 206 FV"

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ErrorDetails": {}
      "ResponseBody": [
          "JobId": "00011810",
          "Success": true,
          "httpStatusCode": 200,
          "Message": "Successfully updated vehicle value in Back End System"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X PUT \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer cJhZbUVWqLVeWP7m2rMdGqpInhjQ' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: ***********' \
      -H 'client_secret: *********' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'postman-token: 45fb1bb9-04a8-87fe-65a7-196e512e01de' \
      -d '[
        "isCarReady": true,
        "carVin": "4T1BF1FK4CU609641",
        "carModel": "Model 1",
        "carReg": "J 206 FV"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the errors thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or error due to sub systems

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Work Order is confirmed, so you cannot update the vehicle details
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder is Confirmed, so you cannot update the vehicle details",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Work Order does not exist
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Work Order does not exist",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Work Order is canceled, so you cannot update the vehicle details
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder is Canceled, so you cannot update the vehicle details",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 workOrder is Completed, so you cannot update the vehicle details
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder is Completed, so you cannot update the vehicle details",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Update Swap Vehicle Details


    Updation of swap vehicle details pertaining to a particular job

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Update Swap Vehicle Details + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Update Swap Vehicle Details + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Successfully updated Swap Vehicle Details

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method PUT

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
    Content-Type This is to indicate the media type of the resource i.e., application/json

    The Path Parameter and the description are given below.

    Parameter Description
    jobId The mandatory unique Job ID (path-param) to retrieve the details of a particular job

    The request body has the below mentioned data to Update Swap Vehicle Details.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Example
    swapCarVin (swapVehicleVin) The Vehicle Identification Number of the swap/replacement vehicle String Optional 1GCHC39F8VF032458
    swapCarModel (swapVehicleModel) The model of the corresponding swap / replacement vehicle String Optional 01
    swapCarReg(swapVehicleReg) The registration number of the swap / replacement vehicle String Optional L 475 DE

    Sample Request Body

        "swapCarVin": "4T1BF1FK4CU609641",
        "swapCarModel": "Model 2",
        "swapCarReg": "J 206 FV"

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ErrorDetails": {}
      "ResponseBody": [
          "JobId": "00011810",
          "Success": true,
          "httpStatusCode": 200,
          "Message": "swapVehicle value successfully updated in Back End System"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X PUT \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer Q4l0poJlTkiTUyT8i86lT6nz0kN5' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: ********' \
      -H 'client_secret: *********' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'postman-token: 6c3b2c73-9611-f484-766f-d75a2a52be07' \
      -d '[{
        "swapCarVin": "4T1BF1FK4CU609641",
        "swapCarModel": "Model 2",
        "swapCarReg": "J 206 FV"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the errors thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or error due to sub systems

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Work Order does not exist
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Work Order does not exist",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 WorkOrder is Canceled, so you cannot update the swapVehicle details
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder is Canceled, so you cannot update the swapVehicle details",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 WorkOrder is Completed, so you cannot update the swapVehicle details
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder is Completed, so you cannot update the swapVehicle details",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Cancel Job Service


    The two purpose of this API are:

    • Manual cancellation: If the Work Order is created and not required further, then the Work Order will be cancelled manually using this API
    • Automatic Cancellation by System: If no slot is confirmed for a Work Order, then system will trigger this API to automatically cancel the Work Order a day prior to the service commencement date.

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Cancel Job Service + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Cancel Job Service + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Work Order Cancelled Successfully

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method PUT

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth 2.0 end point)
    Content-Type This is to indicate the media type of the resource i.e., application/json

    The Path Parameter and the description are given below.

    Parameter Description
    jobId The mandatory unique Job ID (path-param) to retrieve the details of a particular job

    The request body has the below mentioned data to Cancel Job Service.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Example
    statusReasonCode Status reason code to cancel the job String Required Cancelled by EC staff
    statusReason Status reason to cancel the job String Required Customer did not show up
    otherReason Any other reason for cancellation String Optional

    Sample Request Body

        "statusReasonCode": "Cancel-012",
        "statusReason": "Customer requested cancelation"

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ErrorDetails": {}
      "ResponseBody": [
          "JobId": "00011810",
          "Success": true,
          "httpStatusCode": 200,
          "Message": "Successfully updated Cancel value in Back End System"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X PUT \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer iDOUgTzmNFfuBH6LrZcoykgfpnK1' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: ********' \
      -H 'client_secret: ********' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'postman-token: ac6b5721-514d-c494-2313-837e1b9ae5de' \
      -d '[
        "statusReasonCode": "Cancel-012",
        "statusReason": "Customer requested cancelation"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the errors thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or error due to sub systems

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Unable to cancel the workorder because of invalid JobId in the request
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Invalid reference specified. No value for jobIdRes.records[0].Id found in jobIdRes. Provided referenceId ('jobIdRes.records[0].Id') must start with a letter or a number, and it can contain only letters, numbers and underscores ('_').",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Not able to cancel the workorder for invaild StatusResonse code standarded.
    Example :
    1 : "1 - Cancelled by Business",
    2 : "2 - Cancelled by Operative",
    3 : "3 - System cancels the Work Order (Auto Cancel)",
    4 : "4 - Cancelled by Shell/Logistics Manager"
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "/0/statusReasonCode Cancelled by Business is not a valid enum value",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": ""
    400 Not able to cancel the workorder for the StatusReason. i.e status reason is invalid
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Please provide description of 'Other' reason",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Book Slot Service


    Once the work order is created, this API will display list of available slots to the user.

    • User will have the ease to select the available slot as per their preference for pickup/drop
    • User will have the ease to select/change the date as per their convenience

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Book Slot Service + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Book Slot Service + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Slot Booked Successfully for the Job Execution

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method PUT

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth end point)
    Content-Type This is to indicate the media type of the resource i.e., application/json

    The request body has the below mentioned data to book the slot for Job Service.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Notes
    slotTime Time slot to book the work order String Required 10:00 - 11:00
    jobDate Date Slot to book the work order DateTime Required 9/20/2022

    Sample Request Body

        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "slotTime": "13:00 - 14:00",
        "jobDate": "2022-12-28 08:00:00"

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ErrorDetails": {}
      "ResponseBody": [
          "JobId": "00011810",
          "Success": true,
          "httpStatusCode": 200,
          "Message": "Successfully updated SlotBooking value in Back End System"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X PUT \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer ******' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: ******' \
      -H 'client_secret: ******' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'postman-token: 705950c6-b2f3-ac50-5d22-f974fe674e9f' \
      -d '[
        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "slotTime": "13:00 - 14:00",
        "jobDate": "2022-12-28 08:00:00"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the errors thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or error due to sub systems

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Not able to update the slot for WorkOrder does not exist in system
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder does not exist in system or is not associated with this customer. Please provide correct Work Order details.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Schedule Work Order Service


    Once the Work Order is created, the system will trigger the endpoint to update work ordera' start and end date.

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Schedule Work Order Service + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Schedule Work Order Service + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Work Order Scheduled Successfully

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method PUT

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth 2.0 end point)
    Content-Type This is to indicate the media type of the resource i.e., application/json

    The request body has the below mentioned data to Schedule Work Order Service.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Example
    jobStart New Start-date for the workorder DateTime Required 2022-02-28T09:00:00.000Z
    jobEnd New End-date for the workorder DateTime Optional 2022-02-28T09:00:00.000Z

    Sample Request Body

        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "jobStart": "2022-02-28T09:00:00.000Z",
        "jobEnd": "2022-02-28T18:00:00.000Z"

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ErrorDetails": "string"
      "ResponseBody": {},
      "message": {
        "JobId": "00092668",
        "Success": "success",
        "Message": "Detailed information about the response"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X PUT \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer abpOGTZneIhGQ9BLi6tDVZmH8ymz' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: *****' \
      -H 'client_secret: *****' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'postman-token: ed1378f7-a000-e1c6-a7b9-7246687c33d5' \
      -d '[
        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "jobStart": "2022-02-28T09:00:00.000Z",
        "jobEnd": "2022-02-28T18:00:00.000Z"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the errors thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or error due to sub systems

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 WorkOrder does not exist in system or is not associated with this customer
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder does not exist in system or is not associated with this customer. Please provide correct Work Order details.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Reschedule Work Order Date Service


    Once the work order is created, System will trigger the endpoint to Reschedule the work order.

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: ReSchedule Work Order Service + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: ReSchedule Work Order Service + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Work Order ReScheduled Successfully

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method POST

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth 2.0 end point)
    Content-Type This is to indicate the media type of the resource i.e., application/json

    The request body has the below mentioned data to reSchedule Work Order Date Service.

    Field Description Data Type Required/Optional Example
    reScheduleDate New date to reschedule the work order DateTime Required 2020-12-28 08:00:00

    Sample Request Body

        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "reScheduleDate": "2022-02-28T09:00:00.000Z"

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "ErrorDetails": "string"
      "ResponseBody": {},
      "message": {
        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "JobId": "00011810",
        "Success": "00092668",
        "Message": "00092668"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X PUT \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer vnnv3EqytDAKUeyi4fA2HAimq3wY' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: ******' \
      -H 'client_secret: ******' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'postman-token: e39f9e84-5dfc-614e-81ac-8aa6ad65d51f' \
      -d '[
        "accountId": "0019E00001jzZFQQA2",
        "reScheduleDate": "2022-02-28T09:00:00.000Z"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the errors thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or error due to sub systems

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Rescheduling with Invalid Work Order Number
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "WorkOrder does not exist in system or is not associated with this customer. Please provide correct Work Order details.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Get Location Details


    This API provides the location detials of the specific customer account. The path-param for the unique account ID needs to be set mandatory in the end-point path-param placeholder.

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Get Location Details + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Get Location Details + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Successfully Returned Location Details of Specific Customer Account

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method GET

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth 2.0 end point)

    The Path parameters and the descriptions are given below.

    Parameter Description
    accountId The mandatory unique account ID (path-param) to retrieve the location details for the specific customer account

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "ErrorDetails": "string",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
      "ResponseBody": [
          "Country": "Paris",
          "Territories": [
              "Territory": "Paris North",
              "Locations": [
                  "LocationName": "Paris Parking grounds",
                  "LocationID": "1309E000000DRv7QAG."

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X GET \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer a67mH3Q8K5kjvyqBZ9qDaGEcAD3n' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: 0e63f79130574a17a6622032799b9f4e' \
      -H 'client_secret: 83d8977F0e304f96b15fd4c19f14AA22' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'correlationid: 10017fSa125' \
      -H 'postman-token: 8cfdfc54-d9c5-68bd-c537-f835e16d01c4' \
      -d '{
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "ErrorDetails": "string",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
      "ResponseBody": [
          "Country": "Paris",
          "Territories": [
              "Territory": "Paris North",
              "Locations": [
                  "LocationName": "Paris Parking grounds",
                  "LocationID": "1309E000000DRv7QAG."

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/ Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the Error thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or Error due to sub systems.

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Bad Request
    Given accountId contains empty data at the back end system
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Account ID is invalid, please try with valid accountId.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Bad Request
    The External Reference Number is already used. Please enter unique External Reference Number
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0100",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "The External Ref Number is already used. Please enter unique External Ref Number.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    Get Work Order and Sub Work Order Type Details


    This API provides the details of the work order and sub work order types of the specific customer account. The path-param for the unique account ID needs to be set mandatory in the end-point path-param placeholder.

    The end-to-end process is illustrated in the sequence diagram given below.

    sequenceDiagram Participant B2B Customer Participant APIMgnt Participant Shell Mobility System B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Request Access Token activate APIMgnt APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Token Response deactivate APIMgnt B2B Customer ->> APIMgnt: Get Work Order and Sub Work Order Type Details + Access Token activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: Validate Token deactivate APIMgnt activate APIMgnt note right of APIMgnt: RateLimit/ThreatDetection/QAS APIMgnt -->>+ B2B Customer: Gateway Validation Error if any deactivate APIMgnt APIMgnt ->> Shell Mobility System: Get Work Order and Sub Work Order Type Details + JWT Token activate Shell Mobility System note right of APIMgnt: Validate JWT + Apply Business Rule deactivate Shell Mobility System Shell Mobility System -->> B2B Customer: Successfully Returned Work Order and Sub Work Order Type Details of Specific Customer Account

    Key Request Parameters

    The key request parameters are:

    Element Value
    Method GET

    The Header names and the descriptions are given below.

    Header Name Description
    client_id Client Identifier issued to the client during the registration process
    client_secret Client Secret is a secret used by the OAuth 2.0 Client to Authenticate to the Authorization Server
    Authorization Bearer access_token (Access Token generated from the OAuth 2.0 end point)

    The Path parameters and the descriptions are given below.

    Parameter Description
    accountId The mandatory unique account ID (path-param) to retrieve the work order and sub work order types for the specific customer account

    Sample Response Body

      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "ErrorDetails": "string",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
      "ResponseBody": [
          "WorkTypeName": "Car Delivery",
          "workTypeId": "08q9E000000Do7oQAC",
          "subWorkTypes": [
              "subWorkTypeName": "pickupAddress",
              "subWorkTypeId": "08q9E000000Do8oQAC"

    Sample cURL Request

    curl -X GET \ \
      -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImlQYWFzXzEiLCJwaS5hdG0iOiI1cXNqIn0.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IkhndkJ0QmIwRUVheE9MNTVhZlh4dHEwV1Q5VEVHcjVFIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zc28tZGV2LnNoZWxsLmNvbSIsIm5iZiI6MTY1NzU0Njc4MCwiT3JnTmFtZSI6IlNIRUxMLkNPTSIsImlhdCI6MTY1NzU0NjY2MCwiZXhwIjoxNjU3NTQ3NjgwfQ.ErTQw2773DkBn8c5xqHWzoSHcNFyVop9h_j1-bWJ2WREHSNwumM4ht9PoyTA4zlBRFhykGrqzAlbVjUFPwQuMElUcLpZC1GmYVuTbA-eLRwmo-DpksQoeohY68yCoHZipWGn2GcbhWIyAkHYVj4N3yXnZbny57HsDolHGwarv57EtzdTsQ8hnefXMg36duJ58YfBr6YDMz_ZBIiQohauXbhVGfTZFwb4qOa3Xfdjdy7GK8LmlW8cXpVw93qq4g9eu-60FVlDDFZfZOi6-h4Ct-AeDMFrECShigaswsg-qzfBugTOCqKQLopL9osLR08o5APe9QdpYLsXqhHru40SdA' \
      -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
      -H 'client_id: 0e63f79130574a17a6622032799b9f4e' \
      -H 'client_secret: 83d8977F0e304f96b15fd4c19f14AA22' \
      -H 'correlationid: 10017fSa125' \
      -H 'postman-token: 14b4778d-a100-f424-f60b-38705575e3cd' \
      -d '{
      "Response": {
        "OverallStatus": "Success",
        "ErrorDetails": "string",
        "X_Correlation_Id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
      "ResponseBody": [
          "WorkTypeName": "Car Delivery",
          "workTypeId": "08q9E000000Do7oQAC",
          "subWorkTypes": [
              "subWorkTypeName": "pickupAddress",
              "subWorkTypeId": "08q9E000000Do8oQAC"

    Exception Handling

    The two main types of the exceptional scenario errors to create work order service are:

    • Application/ Business Error
    • Common Gateway Errors

    Application/Business Errors

    Application/Business Errors are the Error thrown by back-end system due to business validation or invalid input data or Error due to sub systems.

    HTTP Status Code Error Scenario Error Response
    400 Bad Request
    Given accountId contains empty data at the back end system
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0101",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "Account ID is invalid, please try with valid accountId.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}
    400 Bad Request
    The External Reference Number is already used. Please enter unique External Reference Number
        "Response": {
            "OverallStatus": "Failure",
            "ErrorDetails": {
                "ErrorCode": "E0100",
                "ErrorMessage": "Bad Request",
                "ErrorDescription": "The External Ref Number is already used. Please enter unique External Ref Number.",
                "ErrorBody": ""
        "ResponseBody": {}

    Common Gateway Errors

    Common Gateway Errors handle the errors like invalid token, missing mandatory parameters or missing or invalid content type. Gateway handles these common errors across all APIs.

    Click here for more details of common errors on Create Worker Order API.

    About us

    The Shell Developer Portal is here to support partners to onboard to Shell APIs, the portal is here to take ideas to production


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