B2B Mobility Card Management
The Shell Card Management API is REST-based and employs OAUTH 2.0,Basic and ApiKey authentication...
B2B Mobility Card Pin Management
The Pin management APIs are used in order to encrypt the selcted PIN when ordering cards.
B2B Mobility Card Transaction Data
The Shell Card Transaction Data API is REST-based and employs Basic authentication in Version 1 and...
B2B Mobility Card Recent Transaction
This API allows querying recent transaction data. It provides a flexible search criteria and...
B2B Mobility Limit and Restriction
The Card Limit and Restriction API is REST-based and employs Basic and ApiKey authentication. The...
B2B Mobility Customer Data
This is a RESTful API and allows querying customer account details and card groups. It allows the...
B2B Mobility Invoice
The Shell Fleet Solution Invoice API is REST-based and employs OAUTH 2.0, Basic and ApiKey...
B2B Mobility Sites
This API Product provides the list of all Shell Fuel station locations. Supported Functions
- Get...